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Political Thread: The Sequel

There is no way in the world you can see this as the "far right" wing taking over. They have ever decreasing influence. The growing center is being populated with realists that know that you can't change your sex, transvestism is a mental disorder and that we are being fleeced by an international cabal of corporate oligarchs.
Cabal ? Who is in the cabal?
So RFK said he was going to stop the crimes of humanity being perpetrated against us in the form of chemtrails and prosecuting those involved to the fullest extent of the law. Well I'll be dam. :oops::oops: Is this conspiracy theory busting week or something? There is an executive order I doooooo believe about people who commit crimes of humanity.
Lol oh well this could cost Trump NC especially in light of how poorly Robinson is polling...going to make NC very close either way...
According to @Sandbar this super pasty butt blonde blue eyed American lady is from the Middle East and has more right to what 10,000 years of my blood comes from… hopefully skin cancer gets her, that sun no joke out there

Robinson has said things that can be considered transphobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and even racist per the below linked Fayetteville Observer article.

More specifically, here are some comments from him in that article referring to trans/gay as “filth”. I fully understand not wanting to talk to children about LGBT stuff. Why do they need to know about that stuff at such young ages? Let them be kids. I never heard anything about it when I was a kid and am glad. I was a naive, ignorant kid in this regard. What’s wrong with that? But the problem I have is his referring to it as “filth”. Why did he use that word?

“‘There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth,’ Robinson said a Baptist church in Seagrove in June of 2021. ‘And yes, I called it filth. And if you don’t like that I called it filth, come see me, and I’ll explain it to you.’

‘Filth’ is a violent slur. Objectively hateful.”
@severestorm Since you are a gay man, what are your thoughts about his calling your sexual preference “filth”?

Are there any people here who object to his using the word “filth” in this way? Anyone? Am I one of the only ones? Thus is clearly hateful.

You gonna have a hard time voting for Harris and Waltz then.