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Political Thread: The Sequel

Has anyone ever stopped him from opening his mouth? No.
He can talk as much as he wants but he's got to cater enough votes in swing states and say the right things to beat Kamala come November. People can scream rigged or bias all day long but I'm sure he's not stupid and can strategize. Unfortunately he needs to fight fire with fire and play the popularity contest game to win since we haven't had logic in elections in anyone's lifetimes. It's always been emotion that drives people, and when sensationalism rose, that lead to the garbage set of candidates and politicians we have in offices now on both sides.

He really just needs to focus on what matters and he'll beat Kamala. She's one of if not the weakest candidates thrown on stage by either party this century. All he has to say is look at California and how much of a nightmare it is and how she built that and it'll be a cakewalk.
He can talk as much as he wants but he's got to cater enough votes in swing states and say the right things to beat Kamala come November. People can scream rigged or bias all day long but I'm sure he's not stupid and can strategize. Unfortunately he needs to fight fire with fire and play the popularity contest game to win since we haven't had logic in elections in anyone's lifetimes. It's always been emotion that drives people, and when sensationalism rose, that lead to the garbage set of candidates and politicians we have in offices now on both sides.

He really just needs to focus on what matters and he'll beat Kamala. She's one of if not the weakest candidates thrown on stage by either party this century. All he has to say is look at California and how much of a nightmare it is and how she built that and it'll be a cakewalk.
What you are really saying here without saying it is that people are politically incompetent especially in the middle where those crazy emotions tend to reside. It shouldn't take Donald Trump telling people to look at California with a smile on his face for folks to "get it". Low information voters vote by what's on TV and that makes it far to easy to manipulate them and that's exactly what it is. The left knows this and the media is more than willing to oblige them. This is the biggest area of election rigging that needs to be fixed. It's not all about machines failing and ballot harvesting. Look at the Hunter laptop scandal that the FBI and big tech leftist purposely hid from those low information people that could have very well won the election for Trump even with all the other BS they pulled. You don't fight these people by being Wally Clever and thankfully Elon Musk and several other have realized the damage it did and will continue to do if not taken to task and fixed. This is a battle for the direction of this country and we are all affected by it
Josh Stein has mega millions all coming from outside NC to fund his campaign. He is a mega liberal snake that tries to wear a oppie taylor face.
As a state legislature you can judge the book by its cover. His voting record says it all.

He repeatedly voted against tax cuts, against charter schools, against voter ID, against Second Amendment rights, against School Resource Officers and discipline in schools, and in favor of taxpayer-funded abortion to the point of birth.
Libs hate nothing more than a black conservative, they have the propaganda machine in high gear to derail him.
He can talk as much as he wants but he's got to cater enough votes in swing states and say the right things to beat Kamala come November. People can scream rigged or bias all day long but I'm sure he's not stupid and can strategize. Unfortunately he needs to fight fire with fire and play the popularity contest game to win since we haven't had logic in elections in anyone's lifetimes. It's always been emotion that drives people, and when sensationalism rose, that lead to the garbage set of candidates and politicians we have in offices now on both sides.

He really just needs to focus on what matters and he'll beat Kamala. She's one of if not the weakest candidates thrown on stage by either party this century. All he has to say is look at California and how much of a nightmare it is and how she built that and it'll be a cakewalk.
Yeah true to a point but he is definitely focused. Focused on obliterating the deep state. A method to his madness if you will. 💥
This is why Trump has to be a mean SOB. Because he is fighting corrupt people 24/7/365. Because the truth gets presented however these evil reptiles choose and common people don't know any different. They will lie and you will accept the lie or be targeted. First they destroy your name, then take your money. If destroying your livelyhood doesn't work they will just get a bootlicker to indict you in a blue county in a blue state. If that doesn't work a bullet will whizz by your head. It's up to Democrat moderates to take their party back but so far only Donald Trump is willing to risk it all for them

This is why Trump has to be a mean SOB. Because he is fighting corrupt people 24/7/365. Because the truth gets presented however these evil reptiles choose and common people don't know any different. They will lie and you will accept the lie or be targeted. First they destroy your name, then take your money. If destroying your livelyhood doesn't work they will just get a bootlicker to indict you in a blue county in a blue state. If that doesn't work a bullet will whizz by your head. It's up to Democrat moderates to take their party back but so far only Donald Trump is willing to risk it all for them

Yeah and just think about the info about the vaccines too.
This should be every state and kept this way!

As long as any eligible voter that has the right to vote removed is allowed to sue if they aren't allowed to vote then I'm good with this. If they disenfranchise legal voters though then they should be held accountable for their unconstitutional actions
Robinson would be the bigger disaster. I'm starting to think many on the right want pure anarchy.

Robinson has said things that can be considered transphobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and even racist per the below linked Fayetteville Observer article.

More specifically, here are some comments from him in that article referring to trans/gay as “filth”. I fully understand not wanting to talk to children about LGBT stuff. Why do they need to know about that stuff at such young ages? Let them be kids. I never heard anything about it when I was a kid and am glad. I was a naive, ignorant kid in this regard. What’s wrong with that? But the problem I have is his referring to it as “filth”. Why did he use that word?

“‘There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth,’ Robinson said a Baptist church in Seagrove in June of 2021. ‘And yes, I called it filth. And if you don’t like that I called it filth, come see me, and I’ll explain it to you.’

‘Filth’ is a violent slur. Objectively hateful.”
@severestorm Since you are a gay man, what are your thoughts about his calling your sexual preference “filth”?

Are there any people here who object to his using the word “filth” in this way? Anyone? Am I one of the only ones? Thus is clearly hateful.

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Democrats are coming together as a party around Kamala. Republicans are joining them.

Republicans are fighting with each other attacking each other and that's led by their cult leader who insults and attacks his own party as much as he does the dems.

I'm sure once trump loses it will only be because of fraud right!!
