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Political Thread: The Sequel

All you really have to do with these things is be patient and the truth comes out. Thats when amnesia sets in
I'm beginning to think that these Harris voters especially on here think they're playing warfare by Twitter posts and random posts from Yahoo. They think it actually works. Haha
With the Zuckerberg news it is 100% without a doubt now that Mayorkas committed at minimum perjury. His department has been the Gestapo of the Biden administration and has their tentacles into everything. Yet everytime he is let off the hook because of corruption. It's sickening. And people like JHS above wonder why Americans are moving in opposite directions? Well our Goverment is literally force feeding us this stuff. The ones that swallow it up see nothing wrong, the ones that refuse are just "conspiracy weirdos".
So what is far right about the party now as compared to say Bush?
Bush never said anything about not certifying elections and the party now basically wants to take this country back to the 1920's. All you have to look at is how the House of Representatives has looked lately with Republicans in charge. They are willing to bring the whole country down if they cannot get their way. They want things like the Affordable Care Act gone and would bring the entire safety net down if they thought they could get away with it.
Do I think Josh Stein actually wins by close to 8-10, no, but it's clear to me that Robinson is toast unless Trump happens to pass 50% in the 3rd go around in the state.

Base personal opinion would probably be something like Trump +2 (as NC has generally been a so close, but too far state for Dems nationally) and Stein +3 I guess.
Yes, by all means stay focused on the issues. He obsesses over the smallest of perceived slights.

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You might be wise to focus on being called the "Winning Machine" in Nov.
Yes because facts matter. Especially when it is to paint a false narrative and nonstop slander and lies. Fake news. Anybody would be tired of being lied about.
Bush never said anything about not certifying elections and the party now basically wants to take this country back to the 1920's. All you have to look at is how the House of Representatives has looked lately with Republicans in charge. They are willing to bring the whole country down if they cannot get their way. They want things like the Affordable Care Act gone and would bring the entire safety net down if they thought they could get away with it.
Despite your rejections, Trump had and still has a valid case for what happened in 2020. Parties have been questioning election results since we established the united states. The republican party house has been in an uproar because we actually have members willing to call out the BS within the ranks as it should be. It would be awesome if the other side did that instead of being cheerleaders. Regarding those safety nets, the GOP has been questioning those since the 80's so NO that isn't anything new. What has changed about the republican party is that our expectations have changed. If you don't do the job you were elected to do you get your ass canned. We started purging our dead wood in 2016. When is the left going to start doing that is the big question? If you think I am off base take a good look at RFK. He sees what the rest of you are apparently blind to
Despite your rejections, Trump had and still has a valid case for what happened in 2020. Parties have been questioning election results since we established the united states. The republican party house has been in an uproar because we actually have members willing to call out the BS within the ranks as it should be. It would be awesome if the other side did that instead of being cheerleaders. Regarding those safety nets, the GOP has been questioning those since the 80's so NO that isn't anything new. What has changed about the republican party is that our expectations have changed. If you don't do the job you were elected to do you get your ass canned. We started purging our dead wood in 2016. When is the left going to start doing that is the big question? If you think I am off base take a good look at RFK. He sees what the rest of you are apparently blind to
2 of the far-left Democrats are gone after losing primaries this summer.
It must feel so deflating to have to figure out new ways to carry water for Harris at this point. Really scraping of the bottom of the barrel now.

Kamala the Coward still is trying to weasel out of debating Trump and still avoid taking questions and participating in interviews. I've never seen such a bad politician.

Meanwhile, Trump is steaming ahead, racking up endorsements, not saying away from interviews and questions, attending important events, etc. He has stolen back the momentum for sure. I guess it's about time for them to try and assassinate someone again or execute a false flag event or something.
Or multiple FF's.
Have not heard one Harris supporter on here talk about this at all. For years they called us conspiracy nuts and again this shows that they were wrong all along. I don't know why they trust their gut after all these mistakes.
Something else they havent talked about is Kamala out trying to sale idea shes for wall now. Like tax on tips,you cant make stuff up.

Lord I pray they debate. He's gonna destroy her with all the double speak and Facts. Do they not realize all the quotes from her towards the wall talk. And now shes suposedly for it, atleast until mid November.

The situation with Zuckerberg could have many fingers and implications. Blame for "Covid" deaths and undue sickness. Blame or exposure for the child exploitation and pornography going on and even treason. Wow. I actually wouldn't be surprised if he straight up endorses Trump before it's all said and done. So juicy.