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Political Thread: The Sequel

I was able to listen to RFK jr speech while traveling today.
He BLISTERED the MSM, DNC like never before.
It was a total Face Slap,standing them up in public and ripping their clothes off for the whole world to see what they truly are.
I disagree with RFK on more policy than I agree with him on. But he knows the Deep State and Their State Run Media Arm as well as Trump. Both have suffered tremendously from their strong arm tatctics.

The Establishment has to be stopped at the ballott box this election. I encourage everyone to look under the veil and behind the deception of signing up for Socialist/Marxism. You may think they have your back and are on your side today, because they scream for Abortion and Alphabet Soup label causes.
But I promise you,they are using you and will throw you to the curb,once they dont need you anymore to gain more power over all of us.
Ask the womens movement how well titkle IV is working out for them today. Or the African American Community, stuck still in the inner city Crime driven Meat Grinder. With no way out, while tens of millions walk in illegally and get flown in by Harris and Biden to suck up more resources free of charge from their tax dollars. On top of taking their jobs.
Don’t think for a second they aren’t waking up to it because they are. One reason why race cards get thrown around a lot, gotta keep them angry enough to overlook these things.
TF is project 2025? I’m hardcore MAGA Republican. Aside from what google will tell you it’s a nonstarter. Will have nothing to do with the election. Move on…
If you really want to know, Heritage was hand picked to game plan a transition project over other Conservative outfits such as Claremont etc. This isn’t a secret and isn’t particularly controversial. What is odd comes from them putting seemingly every tabletop exercise into that document that anyone with the slightest political acumen would know is a gold mine for the opposition.

Presidential Transition stuff is really heady and is hard to understand even looking at it from a 10,000’ view. Even with President Obama’s 2012 reelection there still was technically a transition team in place. I’ve mentioned several times before that it’s as if the Trump campaign itself hoovered up anyone with a brain on the Republican side and left everything else to rot. The RNC and many state orgs are currently a dumpster fire. Trump has EXCELLENT campaign staff if only he’d listen to them. I know quite a few of them in passing (not personally) as we all mingled over the years no matter who worked for an R or D campaign. Folks that watch cable news 18 hours a day or spend all their time on partisan social media don’t get to see that picture. So many people in the illustrative trenches have worked for both R and D campaigns.
I was able to listen to RFK jr speech while traveling today.
He BLISTERED the MSM, DNC like never before.
It was a total Face Slap,standing them up in public and ripping their clothes off for the whole world to see what they truly are.
I disagree with RFK on more policy than I agree with him on. But he knows the Deep State and Their State Run Media Arm as well as Trump. Both have suffered tremendously from their strong arm tatctics.

The Establishment has to be stopped at the ballott box this election. I encourage everyone to look under the veil and behind the deception of signing up for Socialist/Marxism. You may think they have your back and are on your side today, because they scream for Abortion and Alphabet Soup label causes.
But I promise you,they are using you and will throw you to the curb,once they dont need you anymore to gain more power over all of us.
Ask the womens movement how well titkle IV is working out for them today. Or the African American Community, stuck still in the inner city Crime driven Meat Grinder. With no way out, while tens of millions walk in illegally and get flown in by Harris and Biden to suck up more resources free of charge from their tax dollars. On top of taking their jobs.
Yeah that's the thing; you would think people could easily see this. The left has indentured multiple demographic groups for decades promising all kinds of change, favors, and prosperity without delivering on ANY of them, yet those groups continue to vote for them as if they have delivered. I don't know what to ascribe this to other than blindness, ignorance, obtuseness, or some combination. Yet somehow they continue to win.
For anyone genuinely concerned about the P2025 stuff, consider should Trump win he will be a lame duck on Day 1 with likely a D controlled House and R Senate. A 78 year old historically unpopular President that has never won a popular vote (and won’t in 2024) and who can’t even break 70% in his largely uncontested primary ain’t gonna turn the Federal government upside down. What he can turn upside down though are Executive branch functions through his incompetence and poor crisis management.
I don’t look at MSNBC, I read the document itself so I can form my own opinion on it. The fact that y’all response to “ let’s talk project 2025 “ is “ it’s not even gonna happen” indicates y’all don’t even want to own it cuz y’all know it’s bad, I don’t want to talk 2025 in context of trump either, I’ve asked multiple times and it was not in context of trump but rather a discussion of the ideas found in it

This is spot on....the folks running Project 2025 are extremely close to Trump and 100% expect him to implement their plan...

Yep thus the huge shift in moderates and independents from Trump to Harris over the last few weeks.

I tell you what let's get Trump and Harris on a stage and ask them to both explain cloud storage...do you really think Trump would do better than Harris. If so you gonna be wanting to skip the debates.
I have certificates in AWS, Oracle, Google and Azure. I am studying currently to take the AWS and Azure foundations exams now. Hopefully will have those under my belt soon. I cannot speak to Trumps understanding of cloud storage but I did watch the whole Kommiela speech where she addressed cloud storage and she has no freaking clue what cloud storage is or how it works.
That is silly, politicians are guided by interest groups and think tanks like this. It’s not silly to take it seriously, it is by and large what the conservative agenda is. Interestingly enough, your whole “ it’s not going to come to fruition “ hints at your acknowledgment that what is in it is undesirable.
You have a point. If you truly believe this you should take a long hard look at the NGOs and think tanks supporting the DemonRATs. You will see they absolutely believe in the erosion and taking away the freedoms you have left. Then come back and readdress this statement.

Wonder if he got bit by his own mosquitoes? Lot of happy beagles.
This is spot on....the folks running Project 2025 are extremely close to Trump and 100% expect him to implement their plan...

Let’s look at this objectively shall we. Months ago when this 2025 stuff started coming out I researched it as I always do on these types of subjects. I will say that there are items in 2025 I support and items in 2025 that I do not support. Now Trump cannot implement a platform in totality like this because he is smart enough to know what it would mean to our country and society as a whole. On the other hand, you have a DemoncRAT who clearly and openly wants Marxist policies and actions to take place in our country yet you are willing to overlook that because of your TDS. The only clear reason I have seen you state on here for voting for her is she is not Trump. That’s it and that clearly is not a great justification for voting for her. If you feel that way don’t vote, write in someone or vote libertarian as I did in the 2020 election. All this being said you are clearly intelligent and surely can see her policies will further the demise of our country. Think about that when you make these statements.
Let’s look at this objectively shall we. Months ago when this 2025 stuff started coming out I researched it as I always do on these types of subjects. I will say that there are items in 2025 I support and items in 2025 that I do not support. Now Trump cannot implement a platform in totality like this because he is smart enough to know what it would mean to our country and society as a whole. On the other hand, you have a DemoncRAT who clearly and openly wants Marxist policies and actions to take place in our country yet you are willing to overlook that because of your TDS. The only clear reason I have seen you state on here for voting for her is she is not Trump. That’s it and that clearly is not a great justification for voting for her. If you feel that way don’t vote, write in someone or vote libertarian as I did in the 2020 election. All this being said you are clearly intelligent and surely can see her policies will further the demise of our country. Think about that when you make these statements.
They pushed project 2025 to deflect the poor debate performance and all the little minions start posting about on social media.

Ah yes the famous communist policies of…….Richard Nixon?

I’m genuinely curious, which networks are still pushing the “no votes” thing? I haven’t watched much right leaning media recently. It just seems like not only the most easily disproven thing (Ballots were Biden/Harris) but even if you ignore that, the political parties are private organizations and not government entities. Either one could truly pick a candidate by whatever random means they want. It’s truly wasted breath when border and inflation issues are much more relevant.
I honestly didn't know Nixon had the feds direct control into social media and search engines during his administration. I also thought Nixon won in a virtual landslide. I'll have to go back and refresh my history into these matters.

The no votes thing is a virtually no votes when she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single state. Her winning votes in 2024 being attached to Biden's ticket is irrelevant, just like position of VP, and Harris's career in general.
I honestly didn't know Nixon had the feds direct control into social media and search engines during his administration. I also thought Nixon won in a virtual landslide. I'll have to go back and refresh my history into these matters.

The no votes thing is a virtually no votes when she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single state. Her winning votes in 2024 being attached to Biden's ticket is irrelevant, just like position of VP, and Harris's career in general.
Exactly. It is well known WOAT did not want her as VP. She was forced on him by the DNC elites because of her multicultural heritage. That’s it. She was not qualified to be VP and she is in way over her head and not qualified to be POTUS. She is there without getting a single vote yet the sheepole (and there are many on this forum) are falling right in line with the idiotic talking points.