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Political Thread: The Sequel

Add 4 trillion in debt but take money from working families with kids

Watching this body cam footage from Butler and WOW! As the facts and video footage continue to roll out it becomes more damning by the day. I have gone from the "I need all the info" before I call it purposeful camp to this is now the most obvious set-up I have ever seen. If I am in charge of clearing this up I want to speak to whomever was in full charge of securing that building, whomever was in charge of coms and who told that sniper not to fire when he knew he should have
Watching this body cam footage from Butler and WOW! As the facts and video footage continue to roll out it becomes more damning by the day. I have gone from the "I need all the info" before I call it purposeful camp to this is now the most obvious set-up I have ever seen. If I am in charge of clearing this up I want to speak to whomever was in full charge of securing that building, whomever was in charge of coms and who told that sniper not to fire when he knew he should have
I wondered if anyone was going to comment on this. I agree 100% with you here. This was intentional. They wanted him taken out.
such a sorry country with no freedom of speech. Sorry sacks of wankas
People need to pay attention because it's all over the world. If America falls, and we are closer by the day then it all goes. The people behind this sit upon thrones and these people are the ones who want Donald Trump gone at any cost
I’d tell you to get out of moms basement and touch grass but let’s face it, most of the homes in Lexington County have wheels so no basements to be found.
Why so demeaning and judgmental of people? I thought you all were the moral authority the rest of us are to follow 🤷‍♂️
I'm educated, 4 year college degree, my wife and I bought our land 24 yrs ago, built our house on it, retired from 30 yr career and my wife is a school teacher...... we have an American flag and a Trump 2024 flag flying high. Suck it! 😁
Wow I didn't know you had retired. Congrats! Good time to get out
4 years of terrible foreign policy, surging border crisis, high costs which the brain dead pres has said multiple times is getting better, but hasn’t, billions and billions of dollars sent to other countries fueling there wars
Libs - orange man mean vote chameleon Harris even though her policy is as bad if not far worse.