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Political Thread: The Sequel

SMH.......This was a setup people
The only reason this lady heads this agency is solely because of Jill Biden. Another story for another time, they have a history.

But heres her statement. Safety/slope of roof? Really,what are they worried about,OSHA?

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It's 100% on her and she should have already resigned or been fired PERIOD. If people think she can't be gotten to they are delusional based on all the stupidity that has run amok the last 4 years. There is no excuse
Looks increasingly like Vance was an own-goal by the Trump campaign. I saw a blurb a bit ago about his involvement with something called National Conservatism Conference. Long story short this group espouses a political theory that American Democracy has failed and should be replaced by what is effectively a King in practice. They call it neo-monarchism.

They (Trump Campaign) DID vet this guy didn’t they?
FBI, will stonewall, delay, pivot any blame whatsoever off FED govt. All this willvget swept under the rug, disappear within weeks.
Mute point, seen this movie way to often, espeacilly past 8 years.
Appreciate Trump putting himself out there time an time again. Could be quietly taking it easy. This want be the last attempt and I'm sure he and his family are aware of that. Id love to be wrong, but I've said for a while now there is no way the establishment will let him be sworn in Jan 2025.
Looks increasingly like Vance was an own-goal by the Trump campaign. I saw a blurb a bit ago about his involvement with something called National Conservatism Conference. Long story short this group espouses a political theory that American Democracy has failed and should be replaced by what is effectively a King in practice. They call it neo-monarchism.

They (Trump Campaign) DID vet this guy didn’t they?
We are a Republic. Always have been, not a 100% democracy.
" unto the republic,for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
Looks increasingly like Vance was an own-goal by the Trump campaign. I saw a blurb a bit ago about his involvement with something called National Conservatism Conference. Long story short this group espouses a political theory that American Democracy has failed and should be replaced by what is effectively a King in practice. They call it neo-monarchism.

They (Trump Campaign) DID vet this guy didn’t they?

Why would this surprise you, Trump wants to be king and he fully intends to surround himself with people that will support him in that. Trump picked the guy who would enable him the most and not be a stupid patriot and follow the constitution and do things like refuse to help Trump attempt to overthrow a election like that RINO Pence.
I think the general consensus after a night of reflection is Vance does nothing to broaden the base. He appeals to ultra maga and brings no votes to the ticket. Trump went from 100% winning to 50/50.

On to other things, the Secret Service is at best seriously incompetent.

If that is the consensus, then most are illogical. As I said yesterday, Trump doesn’t have to gain one single vote to become President again. He was already gonna pull a big portion of the GOP vote out again and after Saturday, you could assume he will pull it all out. The democrats are in the opposite side of things. If 1% of Biden’s 2020 vote stay home or vote Kennedy across swing states and Trump pulls his entire base out; the election is over.

The problem is the room for democrats is not necessarily Trump, but Biden/Harris and honestly the only one past those two who could probably salvage the election baring something crazy is Obama. Michele would definitely be a problem on paper anyways.
So why is she lying about putting team members up on a sloped roof? This is an absolute embarrassment. This isn't oh i Misspoke or i didn't have that information, it's a bold faced lie.

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Lying and silence doesn't instill confidence in the "oops my bad" theory.

And I don't buy the "oh man I can't believe what I'm seeing" theory. So if a guy had a bag of lit dynamite walking toward the stage, people would just stand there with mouths agape to see what was going to happen? Like everybody in law enforcement was frozen by disbelief? Lol
I’m curious. Is there anyone else here hopeful that the near death experience has suddenly changed Trump and that his Thu speech will be dominated by a sincere call for unity amongst ALL Americans in order to reduce the extreme divisiveness that currently exists? After all, he’s likely going to win easily as it looks now.
I’m curious. Is there anyone else here hopeful that the near death experience has suddenly changed Trump and that his Thu speech will be dominated by a sincere call for unity amongst ALL Americans in order to reduce the extreme divisiveness that currently exists?
Hopefully, unity around locking down our borders, cleaning up the crime in our cities, drilling, curtailing the support of endless wars and nation-building, sound economic policies, freedom to choose what medicine you put into your body, stop enabling radical groups to terrorize their own citizens by beating them up, burning down their stores, looting, and destroying property....things like that.
I’m curious. Is there anyone else here hopeful that the near death experience has suddenly changed Trump and that his Thu speech will be dominated by a sincere call for unity amongst ALL Americans in order to reduce the extreme divisiveness that currently exists? After all, he’s likely going to win easily as it looks now.

I definitely would like to see in a more humbled, thankful tone. I don’t believe it will help the division of the country though. If he does come out in a tone such as that, some on the right will feel he lost some of his fight, and the MSN will immediately attack him for lying and feigning it; not saying that wouldn’t be a legitimate accusation but definitely divisive opinion if the above occurs.
Hopefully, unity around locking down our borders, cleaning up the crime in our cities, drilling, curtailing the support of endless wars and nation-building, sound economic policies, freedom to choose what medicine you put into your body, stop enabling radical groups to terrorize their own citizens by beating them up, burning down their stores, looting, and destroying property....things like that.
America bitches
I definitely would like to see in a more humbled, thankful tone. I don’t believe it will help the division of the country though. If he does come out in a tone such as that, some on the right will feel he lost some of his fight, and the MSN will immediately attack him for lying and feigning it; not saying that wouldn’t be a legitimate accusation but definitely divisive opinion if the above occurs.
I think he will come out and sound conciliatory.
Hopefully, unity around locking down our borders, cleaning up the crime in our cities, drilling, curtailing the support of endless wars and nation-building, sound economic policies, freedom to choose what medicine you put into your body, stop enabling radical groups to terrorize their own citizens by beating them up, burning down their stores, looting, and destroying property....things like that.

I’m not trying to take sides when I ask this question as I’m more or less a right of center moderate (old style Republican). What about Trump trying to find at least some common ground with those who disagree with him on issues and come up with solutions that better unify us to try to make us one true nation again (although we’re still one country I feel we’re no longer one nation)? Why not this instead of treating almost anyone who doesn’t 100% agree with him as pseudo-enemies? Is that the best way for a POTUS to run a country?
Looks increasingly like Vance was an own-goal by the Trump campaign. I saw a blurb a bit ago about his involvement with something called National Conservatism Conference. Long story short this group espouses a political theory that American Democracy has failed and should be replaced by what is effectively a King in practice. They call it neo-monarchism.

They (Trump Campaign) DID vet this guy didn’t they?
This is what Trump has wanted all along they didn't vet him they welcome that kind of mentality
In NC the evangelical vote will be at all time high solely because of Mark Robinson. Who I beleive will become the first African American Govenor in NC history. Representing the party of Lincoln proudly.
NC is already heavily Red with veto proof majorities in both house and senate,plus a nice majority on the state Supreme Court. We just need our lt Govenor to become Govenor in about 80 days
His speech was super great last night.
We are a Republic. Always have been, not a 100% democracy.
" unto the republic,for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
I love that question and will answer with another. How do we elect “representatives” to represent us under our constitutional framework?

I don’t think I’ve heard anyone falsely claim we’re a direct democracy. Few have ever existed due to inefficiency and a variety of other reasons. Our government is charted as a Constitutional Federal Republic. Itself being a type of democracy along with parliamentary systems, devolved systems, whatever the French call their weird system and so on. All forms of democracy though none direct democracies. Technically Iran is a theocratic democracy but you’d be hard pressed to say they have free and fair elections.

My point being we’re both a republic AND a democracy. I’m not accusing you of this, but in recent years the above line of reasoning has been used by the NC GOP in a dishonest manner and I think one other I’m forgetting to push a bizarre theory of “independent state legislature” that would effectively empower the legislature to turn itself into what amounts to a self perpetuating body with the ability to control their own voting districts with no judicial review. The dissent in that case was only in standing. There are very easy to read concurring opinions from that case that spell out very clearly that we are a democracy.