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Political Thread: The Sequel

If Iran is gonna retaliate they will let everyone know the time and flight path of all their drones and missiles so they don't eff up and actually hit something causing Isreal and the US to put a foot in that ass. Most of what they are doing is for show and to project power at home...Iran has no interest in getting hammered by cruise missiles and Russia can't help much since they have lost almost all their front line stuff in Ukraine.
I think this is largely correct. It's a lot of bluster. I will be surprised if it amounts to much more than light contrails in the night sky.
I think this is largely correct. It's a lot of bluster. I will be surprised if it amounts to much more than light contrails in the night sky.
Iran already said Israel crossed every red line and they are planning on using Iraq and Syria to launch their missiles. The killing of the Hamas leader was basically a act of war and the institute of the study of war concludes this.
Iran already said Israel crossed every red line and they are planning on using Iraq and Syria to launch their missiles. The killing of the Hamas leader was basically a act of war and the institute of the study of war concludes this.

Sure they say all that and they will probably do some half ass attack like they did last time back in April and I am pretty sure that did not lead to WW3 or even a hot war between Israel and Iran....
Sure they say all that and they will probably do some half ass attack like they did last time back in April and I am pretty sure that did not lead to WW3 or even a hot war between Israel and Iran....
they already said it's going to be worse than that with at least 1,000+ missiles from Iran alone.
OK all of those things might happen but none of it will lead to a actual open war between Israel and Iran. Iran will shoot some rockets and drones Israel will shoot them down with help from everyone and that will be it.
Israel already sent Iran and Lebanon that they are ready for a all out war.
Israel already sent Iran and Lebanon that they are ready for a all out war.

OMG Israel is always ready for all out war....the reality is that Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the USA etc are all waiting to shoot down whatever Iran decides to shoot, Iran is trying to figure out how much they can send without getting a huge retaliation and still look strong for the home crowd who they fear more than Israel and the USA....
OMG Israel is always ready for all out war....the reality is that Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the USA etc are all waiting to shoot down whatever Iran decides to shoot, Iran is trying to figure out how much they can send without getting a huge retaliation and still look strong for the home crowd who they fear more than Israel and the USA....
Iran said anyone who interferes will be legitimate targets. Egypt already shut their airspace.
Talk about a bombshell. Dude was saying all kinds of ---- about abortion is now back tracking once people started to blackmail him. Abortion for the rich..but not for the poor. View attachment 149232
This is old news. He's talked ad naussea about it, for several years, repentance,forgiveness and the consequences its caused them both. Spirtually,not politically. Genuine,being self. One thing we all have in common birdman,you ,me,Mark,his wife,Billy Graham etc.
We are all born sinners and we all are filthy rags on our best day in front of a Holy God. The difference is if you have a relationship with his son Jesus and the forgiveness that comes from his shed blood. If you have that, then God doesnt see NCSnow (praise the Lord) he see's his son , who sits at his right hand and is my advocate, pleading my case that I put my faith and trust in his finished work on the cross. Gods to Holy to look at me. I come up infinite miles short no matter how hard i try, or good deeds i do. But Thanks beyond words his son went and paid all my sin debt and offered me a free gift of salvation, if I just put my faith and trust in him. If anyone is looking for anything by man, including self to deliver them, solve all their problems. You will never find one. They dont exist. Thats all bible. Not my opinion, a denomination opinion. Straight from Gods Word.
This is old news. He's talked ad naussea about it, for several years, repentance,forgiveness and the consequences its caused them both. Spirtually,not politically. Genuine,being self. One thing we all have in common birdman,you ,me,Mark,his wife,Billy Graham etc.
We are all born sinners and we all are filthy rags on our best day in front of a Holy God. The difference is if you have a relationship with his son Jesus and the forgiveness that comes from his shed blood. If you have that, then God doesnt see NCSnow (praise the Lord) he see's his son , who sits at his right hand and is my advocate, pleading my case that I put my faith and trust in his finished work on the cross. Gods to Holy to look at me. I come up infinite miles short no matter how hard i try, or good deeds i do. But Thanks beyond words his son went and paid all my sin debt and offered me a free gift of salvation, if I just put my faith and trust in him. If anyone is looking for anything by man, including self to deliver them, solve all their problems. You will never find one. They dont exist. Thats all bible. Not my opinion, a denomination opinion. Straight from Gods Word.

blah blah blah he is a do as I say not as I do kinda guy

This is old news. He's talked ad naussea about it, for several years, repentance,forgiveness and the consequences its caused them both. Spirtually,not politically. Genuine,being self. One thing we all have in common birdman,you ,me,Mark,his wife,Billy Graham etc.
We are all born sinners and we all are filthy rags on our best day in front of a Holy God. The difference is if you have a relationship with his son Jesus and the forgiveness that comes from his shed blood. If you have that, then God doesnt see NCSnow (praise the Lord) he see's his son , who sits at his right hand and is my advocate, pleading my case that I put my faith and trust in his finished work on the cross. Gods to Holy to look at me. I come up infinite miles short no matter how hard i try, or good deeds i do. But Thanks beyond words his son went and paid all my sin debt and offered me a free gift of salvation, if I just put my faith and trust in him. If anyone is looking for anything by man, including self to deliver them, solve all their problems. You will never find one. They dont exist. Thats all bible. Not my opinion, a denomination opinion. Straight from Gods Word.
That's way too many words in response to a Wilkes post. Rookie move 🤣