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Political Thread: The Sequel

At 100k an EV's battery might degrade at most 10% but the lack of moving parts means far less maintenance. For ICEs at 100k you usually need to start replacing parts plus recurrent oil changes. Both cars have lifespans and get worse the older they are. If you really need to, you can replace the battery and some manufacturers offer cars with swappable batteries so you don't experience degradation at all.
That’s because of forced obsolescence…. Car manufactures make sure their cars start having issues at 100k to promote people to buy new ones. They are fully capable of building cars that last longer. My vehicle is at 210 with 0 major repairs , in fact no repairs at all that matter other than changing a mass air flow sensor which has nothing really to do with performance as much as emisisons. My car was built by Toyota. It’s possible . Also batteries cost as much as a car
That’s because of forced obsolescence…. Car manufactures make sure their cars start having issues at 100k to promote people to buy new ones. They are fully capable of building cars that last longer. My vehicle is at 210 with 0 major repairs , in fact no repairs at all that matter other than changing a mass air flow sensor which has nothing really to do with performance as much as emisisons. My car was built by Toyota. It’s possible . Also batteries cost as much as a car
Well Toyota's are built different haha. I used to have one too with almost 200k. Batteries are getting cheaper every year and by the time I'd likely need to replace mine it'd probably cost less than the total amount of repairs I'd need on a car with a similar performance level
I thought I would make a post about the basic policies of both sides.

- Close the border until we can get it under control for what the daily capacity is.
- Deport millions of illegal immigrants.
- Work to negotiate peace terms between Ukraine and Russia
- Maintain the first term tax cuts with the notion that the increased revenue would cover expenses, as it would have prior.
- Maintain a lower corporate tax rate
- No tax on tips or social security, not really a major issue, probably an empty promise
- Get rid of the IRS expansion
- Increase energy production domestically, live in the Now while R&D continues on cleaner policies
- Reform ACA
- Reform or end free trade with countries that have far less wages, or tariff those countries to promote domestic job creation and expansion.
- Free speech
- Overall continuation of the free market.

- Maintain open border to ultimately change the demographics of the United States to that of a Central American country that would be less skilled and educated, more dependent on big government, and lower wages. A continuation of the past four years in an overall effort to progress to a one party system.
- Amnesty of all illegal immigrants.
- Continue funding the endless wars, military industrial complex.
- Curb oil and move to unproven, unavailable greener energies on a large scale.
- Raise taxes on working middle, upper middle, wealthy, and corporations.
- Expand the supreme court to make it a political arm of the one party rule
- Keep and expand the ACA to cover illegal immigrants
- Promote ideology that indicates that nonwhites (except Asians) are discriminated against in every facet, and should be given an advantage in education and employment.
- Continue to promote a climate emergency to limit domestic energy expansion and begin to control the public mobility with increased energy costs.
- Maintain and increase control of the media, social media, internet, limit free speech, and the lockdown of information.
- Continued movement toward a communist style authoritarian government.
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Anthony Blinken is probably the one in charge from the administration standpoint, and is the direct contact between the ones who are actually in charge of the country at the pentagon. Having Biden and/or Harris around wouldn’t change anything because they are in charge of nothing.