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Political Thread: The Sequel

Inflation during Biden, which was the worst in 40 years and which was a major problem also in some other countries, was largely related to supply constraints related to COVID and its aftermath including COVID related policy decisions. How much can be tied to Biden is questionable, especially when realizing it wasn’t just experienced in the U.S.:

In other words, there would have been a rise in inflation regardless of who the Pres was. It’s on his watch, but was he actually largely responsible?
Yes, partly, he signed massive spending bills that greatly increased the national debt. This is what is fueling the expanded money supply. More money chasing the same amount of goods = inflation. He didn't have to sign the bills, so he is culpable.
They're on their way to being bombed off the face of the earth. Best we don't interfere or send all our tax money to buy them weapons
You had best hope they get left alone, because if they are attacked, we will respond and WW3 will be on. We will not just sit back and watch them get destroyed.
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It is not worth sacrificing millions of Americans lives for.
Sacrificing American lives to save the lives of Israel so that Jesus returns and laser blasts 2/3 of the Jews and then takes all the good boys and girls on his big giant lifted truck to heaven ? That is totally worth it bro, heaven has nothing but beer meth and trailer parks for shetley and his like to enjoy.
Today did not go well for Donald. It’s almost like he trying to lose? IMG_3210.png
For once I was watching the news today as Trump was on stage. Not knowing whether or not he accepts prep from his team let me preface what I’m going to say with that first.

That performance was an absolute disaster in an election that’s quickly turning the corner into who looks the part better. Harris and her campaign have truly (and I say this as an ex campaign staffer) done a remarkable job so far to turn around the Biden bus and make it into a real campaign. Her answers on her biggest weak point (the border) have been short and digestible by low information others and most of all they sound practical. What Trump did today evokes a sense he wasn’t prepared at all and let his tendency to ramble in nonsense show. His staff absolutely 100% cannot put him in that position and they were smart to pull the plug early. Now the question is did they try to prepare him and he didn’t listen? I don’t know. He certainly hasn’t been “new Trump” post shooting that was hyped up. The Trump campaign has been so well run compared to 2016 and 2020 up until the final night of the RNC. It’s not too late to turn it around obviously but the proverbial wheels have fallen off since that day.

Say what you will about the “weird” branding from the Harris campaign but the Rs and specifically Trump and Vance can’t shake it. To be blunt today Trump sounded like the crazy grandpa calling into Rush Limbaugh.