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Naughty November

43 degrees on my porch in Red Bank, 46 at the airport.. still pretty windy. Freeze warning might be for nothing if these winds never die down.
Woke up at 5am this morning and it was 36 at the house. About 20 minutes back it briefly got to 32 before jumping back up to to 33 a few minutes back. Don't consider that a freeze (kill bugs) but I would think tonight might have a better chance.
32.7 this morning but I relocated my sensor earlier this year, it's not down the hill and it's 9 ft off the ground.... I have a wireless sensor in our barn that is slightly down that hill, it read 32 (it's on the inside) so I think down the little hill in the back of our property might have touched freezing briefly. Not official and very isolated of course but a nice cold crisp morning
Had about 15 minutes of some big gusts last night around 9:30ish . I could hear the house creaking and groaning and even the windows rattling, and then it stopped. I show a minimum of 31 last night, but it was 33 when I woke up. Not sure I fully believe that reading.