Not sure if you guys pay attention to wildlife but the blackbirds are going crazy at my parents house in Harnett County. Last time I saw that we had tornadoes a few days later!
A great watch when you get time. Shawn does an amazing job breaking this down and he speaks for the large majority of Vets today that have had time to process what we went through and to begin to heal from the damage. Part of that healing is pointing out that there are fractions deep within our own government that have no qualms about sending our warriors to die for profit. This is very important for people to understand because we are on the doorsteps of something that could be far worse. Not only in the middle east but here at home as well. Keep your head on a swivel because it's coming
Military bases, nuclear sites. It's happening every day all over the world not just in our country. I know the election is the big ticket item but you better pay attention because your world is gonna be rocked when you find out the truth
I’ve had something weird since Friday night. Vertigo along with a sinus infection and stomach issues. Several of us at the office with the same thing.They prolly tested for flu and it came back negative. WHO doesn't even know what this is yet.
it’s referring to the press conference this morning.