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Natural and World events ( non political stuff )

This is incredible! No matter where you stand on this you can't deny it if you are being truthful with yourself. We aren't alone and never have been and they are closer to proving it is we can get. August will be huge for disclosure with Luis Elizondo's book imminent coming out and the James Fox documentary that is going to rock the disclosure world. At some point in the next 2 years (in my opinion) our government, another government or perhaps the Vatican or a private entity is going to break this open. These beings have already shown they can cut off our nuclear missile sites and won't allow us to destroy ourselves. Brush it off if you want to but at some point you have to face it and accept it. We have records of our ancient ancestors seeing these same things so it isn't our technology


It's time to accept it folks even if it bothers you to. Disclosure at any level will be the biggest event in our planets long history. If you noticed things just getting weirder and weirder there is a perfectly good explanation

If you are into the UAP phenomenon and have spotify premium go listen to Immenent: Inside the pentagons hunt for UFO's by Luis Elizondo. This is another huge step towards disclosure. I finished it this morning and it blew me away

We aren't alone........
You look at this entire video and tell me we are alone. We aren't. Are all these real? I don't know but you have to accept this at some point. That isn't our tech
