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Natural and World events ( non political stuff )

I didn't even realize until too late that people were seeing this well in the south and even further south than I am.

Gonna probably give looking for the aurora a go when the sun sets tonight as apparently there's a second chance.
I read an article that said that this morning. I missed it last night too!
Sadly The K-index for tonight is only at a 7 which classifies as a G3.
I didn't even realize until too late that people were seeing this well in the south and even further south than I am.

Gonna probably give looking for the aurora a go when the sun sets tonight as apparently there's a second chance.
Sadly The K-index for tonight is only at a 7 which classifies as a G3.
I just finished an article that said the strongest yet.....this from "Space Weather.com" "Giant sunspot AR3664 unleashed another X-flare today (May 11th @ 0139 UT)--its strongest yet. The X5.8-class explosion produced a significant CME with an Earth-directed component...: This CME could reach Earth on May 13th, adding new power to the ongoing geomagnetic storm. "
Ok, so I wasn't even trying at the moment about 5 minutes ago (went outside to see how things look, and it's mostly clear), and I think I saw the aurora. Was looking in the opposite direction from the sunset (and I guess to the north), and I saw a pinkish hue in the sky, and just under it was kind of a darker shade of blue.

Unfortunately, didn't take my phone with me, will head out a bit later with it completely dark with it, and hopefully I'm not crazy.

Edit: Ok, probably crazy. Still find the way the sky was colored in the opposite direction to the sunset interesting though and I'm likely going to head outside again near sunset tomorrow.
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Yeah Friday night significantly overperformed the predictions.
Unbelievable. I was out at around 9 pm Friday night, i think near the peak here, maybe a few minutes after. Not just red on the horizon, but pink red and green, directly overhead and even towards the south of me. And all visible withe the naked eye in the middle of city light pollution and with the moon out.