Lots of windows busted, car windows gone, siding smashed, trampolines blown around, etc. in my neighborhood!
Brutal..nice to see you finally jackpotted on some frozen though RC!
Haha true trueBrutal..nice to see you finally jackpotted on some frozen though RC!
And another severe storm coming through the same area.
still getting ice I see? That warm 925 layer, gets you every time! ?
You and yours OK?Lots of windows busted, car windows gone, siding smashed, trampolines blown around, etc. in my neighborhood!
Yeah man. One screen damaged, probably some roof damage, and a yard full of leaves and twigs. We have hardiplank, but the new section of the neighborhood all has vinyl siding. It looks like a disaster zone.You and yours OK?
Yeah man. One screen damaged, probably some roof damage, and a yard full of leaves and twigs. We have hardiplank, but the new section of the neighborhood all has vinyl siding. It looks like a disaster zone.
Hail is so underrated when it comes to damage, why I treat severe t-storm warnings with caution similar to a tornado warning, especially after 5-27-11 hailstorm here
The two biggest hailstorms of my life have been within the last 2ish years. A couple years ago, softball sized hail occurred literally 2-3 miles away. We had egg sized here...slightly less in size than what occurred today.Hail is so underrated when it comes to damage, why I treat severe t-storm warnings with caution similar to a tornado warning, especially after 5-27-11 hailstorm here
Just one more reason vinyl siding isn’t a smart choice, some insurance companies don’t cover damages unless it’s over 75% .
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Well, at least it is better than aluminum siding.
I can already imagine how bad the chaser convergence in the plains is going to be this week... sheesh
For some reason that sounds all too familiar... It's two weeks out, but.... etc.You know the pattern sucks when you are looking at the cfs weekly for help. Kind of interested to see where next week goes with the ridge in the south and the possible -nao/ northeast trough. Wouldn't be surprised to see some of the energy from the trough get caught under the ridge and retrograde in time. That's 14 days out though so meh
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Big bust by the SPC, but this was unexpected, crazy day, that’s fasho
Perfect beach weather next week. Couldn’t draw it up any better. I’ll be sure to post some alligator pics
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The day prior the boundary was in Wilkes/Surry producing tornado warnings. I was on I77 and it was one of the most photogenic boundaries I ever witnessed. Blue sky south and dark purple cumulus north in a west to east fashion. It was unreal seeing tall purple clouds next to nothing and overtaking the sun. If anything is researched it should be noted that boundary had a history of severe storms and just kept producing the next day further east.This is why it is so important to have a weather radio or app on your phone to get alerts. We were not supposed to get anything like this according to the local NWS, local TV mets, and SPC. I really think there needs to be a study or investigation into why we as re getting severe storms here more often when we are not under any kind of watch than when we are the past 9 years.
If you're talking like yesterday I would say very few. One or two warnings does not warrant a watch. Severe weather happens when it wants. If a warning gets issued the public is alerted. It would be another issue if there were no warnings issued for severe weather. Often there is no sense in issuing a watch for an area if a very small part is going to get severe or the chance is very low.This is why it is so important to have a weather radio or app on your phone to get alerts. We were not supposed to get anything like this according to the local NWS, local TV mets, and SPC. I really think there needs to be a study or investigation into why we as re getting severe storms here more often when we are not under any kind of watch than when we are the past 9 years.
Yeah I wasn’t expecting that. I woke up this morning and it was 60 in my house. Was freezing my nuts offGot to 48 degrees this AM! Perfect May weather!!
Just because a boundary had a history doesn't mean that it persisted the entire duration. That reasoning is like saying a low pressure with a history of snow will produce snow across its entire path two days later. Just the reasoning seems off. This goes back to my prior post as well. One tornado warning/ severe warning doesn't warrant a watch necessarily. If the tornado was unwarned it's the local office's fault for not issuing it, not the SPCs. The NWS of Blacksburg made a wrong call by not issuing a warning. RDU at least issued warnings for such.I think Raleigh did need a watch earlier than what was issued due to the fact it had a history of confirmed tornado warnings (for days). It shouldn’t have came as a surprise that particular boundary was dangerous after producing the unwarned tornado in Virginia two days prior. If you wanna research it, go back and trace the history of this boundary. NWS Blacksburg should have communicated this threat with NWS Raleigh.
Yes, probably for about 5 1/2 more months.Immaculate weather today and for the next two days, but after that we're leaping into summer for a while.![]()
Going 97º - 98º after May 22nd through the end of the month down here, unless a seabreeze front decides to collide with another one from the opposite direction ...Per 12Z GFS in the SE, good amount of mid 90s 5/22 and widespread mid 90s 5/23 with some low 100s those 2 days SE GA/far N FL due to 594 dm 500 mb heat ridge. Similar for 5/27-8. The low 100s are overdone imo with some upper 90s more likely for hottest. Still that would be near record highs!
Never bet against Columbia's ability to break 100. If anywhere does it this month it'll be there.Per 12Z GFS in the SE, good amount of mid 90s 5/22 and widespread mid 90s 5/23 with some low 100s those 2 days SE GA/far N FL due to 594 dm 500 mb heat ridge. Similar for 5/27-8. The low 100s are overdone imo with some upper 90s more likely for hottest. Still that would be near record highs!
Hell on Earth there sometimes ...Never bet against Columbia's ability to break 100. If anywhere does it this month it'll be there.