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May 2021 Discussion Thread

Probably will see a few 37-40s in the areas that typically cool off the most... cough cough @metwannabe
It looks to me like skies will have to clear out in a hurry for us to get temperatures anywhere close to that tomorrow night. I’m not even convinced temperatures drop during the day tomorrow as much as what’s being forecasted. TWC has me at 50 degrees by this time tomorrow afternoon but looks to cool things off a bit too quick this evening with full overcast. Temperatures have managed to get into the lower 70s today and dewpoints are still in the 50s.
Yeah record low max tomorrow at PGV is 64, we look to crush that if we only get 55
The thing is most places are going to record their highs for tomorrow tonight at midnight. That being said, 64 could be close, but for places that the record is down in the 50s, they should be plenty safe.
The thing is most places are going to record their highs for tomorrow tonight at midnight. That being said, 64 could be close, but for places that the record is down in the 50s, they should be plenty safe.

Columbia is at 77 right now. It may end up in the 50s in the afternoon, but it will have to drop significantly to hit the minimum maximum before midnight.
So I’m really having a hard time seeing how I end up seeing the temperature drop that TWC and even Brad P’s futurecast model is showing over the next 12 hours. TWC has me at 52 degrees at noon while Futurecast is at 48 (which would be completely unheard of for midday on May 12). The Futurecast does look like it initiated about 3 degrees too cool... it’s still holding at 64 for the last 3 hours since the clouds filled back over. More importantly the dewpoint is now 57 which is up from the lower 50s earlier. I’ve always said never bet against a wedge, but I just still have a hard time believing we see the afternoon temperatures as low as what some of these models are showing. Of course I’ve been wrong before and will be again so who knows
Sucks we won’t break many record low max temps today in SC due to it being to warm at Midnight…. It was 70° at CAE at midnight and the record was 66°. No official record today.
Between midnight and now temps rose from 53 to 57. Lmao go getting your 40s @NickyBGuarantee its not happening . Really sad you have to hug 1 model and shut out the rest .
Yeah I’m still at 61 with a dewpoint of 57 and rain knocking on the door. So I still don’t see how I get down to the upper 40s by 1pm like TWC has