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May 2021 Discussion Thread

You gotta love it when your 7 day forecast does not have a high over 75......in mid May in eastern NC......springs like this are rather elusive, I cant remember one recently or even in the last 10 or so years where we consistently had cooler dryer air masses....

I think it has a lot to do with the massive loss of sea ice.

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Had to dislike your post , never did this before but I had to . 54 seriously ? What do you even do on a washout day like that! That’s really close to the coldest may high in record .
I mean, we're getting a little rain, most of the days are absolutely gorgeous, and we even have a chance to set a record. Weather-wise, what more can you ask for? Dude! :)
Yeah lol. Besides our satellite record of sea ice goes back only to 1977 , a time of high sea ice and global cooling . Who knows what kind of range in sea ice century to century is normal ?
but but but.... You're using logic and reasoning, and questioning my science. STAHP!

You just hate baby seals and penguins don't you???
A warmer Arctic is not allowing the PV to consolidate over the pole and you end up with pieces flying around at lower latitudes.

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I mean, we're getting a little rain, most of the days are absolutely gorgeous, and we even have a chance to set a record. Weather-wise, what more can you ask for? Dude! :)
I don’t think you get really close to the record because most places in the Piedmont will probably see tomorrow’s highs set at midnight tonight and then hold in the 50s tomorrow with the rain. On a good night it does look like we see a good widespread soaking rain tomorrow which will only help make everything nice and green for what should be a beautiful weekend.