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March 18-19th Possible Severe Wx Outbreak

Although the tornado threat this afternoon is dependent on low level helicity, that hail threat is dadgum legit. Latest HRRR has sbcape in excess of 3000, LIs -8 to -9, LRs over 7, over 200 3km cape and a strong EML across central AL. Hide yo cars.
Might be some softballs in the strongest updrafts today
Based off what the HRRR/3k are showing I wouldn't be all that surprised to see some eastern expansion of the high risk. Most of the supercell development seems to be in AL on those two, but obviously can happen anywhere with this type of fuel
Wouldn't surprise me if this cell over MS produces a tornado or is producing one now. It's kindve in no man's land with radar but ?. Screenshot_20210317-082354.pngScreenshot_20210317-082333.png