The 2nd DFW storm is likely going to be trickier to forecast. This map shows 5-8” for Wed at DFW. Model consensus is suggesting a good 0.50-0.60” or so of qpf. So, to get 5”+ accumulation with that qpf, it would mostly need to be snow. In reality, model consensus has the 0C 850 mb line very close and for at least some of that storm a little north of them. So, although almost all of the precip is looking to be frozen as opposed to ZR, a good portion may be sleet. If so, 5”+ would be difficult IF that ends up being the case. However, it is important to keep in mind that the same amount of water equiv would be frozen. So, let’s say there is 0.50” liquid equiv and it is 3” of total accum due to a good portion being sleet, that 3” would probably have as much if not more staying power than 5” of snow because sleet is very slow to melt and it would likely be more problematic for travel/ walking.
Keep in mind that if DFW were to get two 3”+ accums in whatever form just 3 days apart, it would be the first time in recorded history.