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Pattern Jarring January


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Yes please!
Yeah the euro has another day 9 ice storm ....... keep kicking the can

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12z gfs vs 12z euro massive difference


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Remember not too long ago, the GFS tried to drop a trough into the western US for our storm on the 28-29th and thus sent it into the Lakes and midwest, instead what ended up happening, the trough over New England and SE Canada trended deeper. Looks like the same general thing is happening here
Remember not too long ago, the GFS tried to drop a trough into the western US for our storm on the 28-29th and thus sent it into the Lakes and midwest, instead what ended up happening, the trough over New England and SE Canada trended deeper. Looks like the same general thing is happening here
Yep fully expect the gfs to look massively different on the 00z runs tonight . With a warmer cold shot and no system
Just so you see what the Day 10 system depicted on the EURO will be running up against dewpoint wise East of the Appalachians.


Yes...that is below zero dewpoints deep into Georgia ... at hour 210.
Just so you see what the Day 10 system depicted on the EURO will be running up against dewpoint wise East of the Appalachians.


Yes...that is below zero dewpoints deep into Georgia ...

Indeed, that's impressive. But, unfortunately, it is not just impressive but it is also fictitious as of now until proven otherwise. Especially out 10 days. The models can't even get a handle on 2-3 days!
Just being realistic . The gfs is all alone and we know how this song and dance normally ends
That’s true. But I’m reminded of a quote from a great Christmas movie: “You really think it matters, Eddie?” When the Euro shows a snowstorm, it ends up vanishing. When the GFS shows a snowstorm, it ends up vanishing. When all models show a snowstorm, it ends up vanishing. We probably won’t have any idea what’s going to happen until 36 hours before any event.
Smh some mets like Joe Bastardi never learn. Apparently he hasn't figured out that the model's Monin-Obukhov (1954) surface parameterization causes excessive decoupling between the surface and lower levels and leads to a massive cold bias in the model especially over fresh snow cover. Lol good luck w/ Dallas getting a single digit low in a week from now
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