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Pattern Januworry

Wouldn't it be even more difficult to get snow covered roads after Feb 10 due to a much higher sun angle ?

It's the other way around. Sun angle actually provides lift for convection, hence heavier snow showers, more accumulation.

Over the holiday weekend, did we all decide that we're just going to come in this thread and make stuff up this week?
If you guys want to discuss sun angle, how cold it needs to be to see snow accumulate, or whatever trivial thing you want to about snow accumulations please feel free to go to whamby with it. 2 recent examples that prove that snow can stick to roads and/or stick to the ground after Feb 15th or a torch month are Feb 2015 and March 2018 imby and I'm sure others have examples as well. Thanks
I would say due to the “heat wave” this week any chances of ice would be a self limiting process with roads being fine well into February. For snow, we can still get the grass covered but snow covered roads are gonna be a difficult task until at least Feb10 or after.

Now you know this is fictional. If it snows heavily enough, it will stick to the ground and roadways. And if we have a week of cold weather, it will cool the ground nicely. There isn't a magma chamber sitting underneath us.

Wouldn't it be even more difficult to get snow covered roads after Feb 10 due to a much higher sun angle ?

I'm surprised this post hasn't mysteriously been deleted yet.
Now you know this is fictional. If it snows heavily enough, it will stick to the ground and roadways. And if we have a week of cold weather, it will cool the ground nicely. There isn't a magma chamber sitting underneath us.

I'm surprised this post hasn't mysteriously been deleted yet.
Thank you!!! I watched 2.5 inches of snow cover the roads in Wingate, including US 74 on 4/2/2019… 18 hours after highs had been near 70 for a week, and of course early April has a much higher sun angle than January.
Absolute paste bomb for the mountains there. That’s the best run I’ve seen this season for NW flow
Now that is definitely something to watch. Verbatim it’s moving fast and not spinning a lot of moisture back in after the front pushes through but that could change I guess.