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Wintry January 8-9, 2018 Ice threat

This will be a good set up for us in the Piedmont. I have seen time after time when models show marginal temps we generally score on freezing rain. Many times models don't pick it up as its mist which is the worse but great for us being snow and ice contractors.
Yeah the CAD in the Triad is always the last to release and sometimes never does until the event is over. Personally I don't want any zr but that is something we always seem to get some of here, even in mild winters
Is it me or do I think the CMC may be overdoing it a little?

That's the interesting part if going off historical details it would more lean toward GFS/CMC etc being to warm in CAD region and moving out too fast but nothing is exactly the same.
All in for e10

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Those GFS ensembles look pretty consistent especially with those amounts being ICE
I wonder how fast the Euro will have the surface temps erode away compared to others
Euro says move along brief period of zr possible Screenshot_20180104-121855.jpg

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