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Wintry January 3rd-6th, 2018 Winter Storm The ARCC/Xtreme Weather Special

Yes...phase those babies

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Not too early though, then we get a horrible solution and a cutter. Phase them at the right location in the Gulf and boom, we have a great storm.
Ughhhhh, I really didn't want to get sucked into this... These setups are so darn fickle it's not even funny, especially when you have the potential for instant occlusion as the upper wave moves over a stalled/strung out frontal boundary offshore.

January 2000/December 89 repeat ?

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January 2000 was a good hit for us in CAE. 1989 left us high and dry though here.
January 2000/December 89 repeat ?

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Yeah I mentioned above it had that Dec. 89 feel to it to me.... I experienced that one also, had to drive back home from a friends house on Christmas eve (they lived down east) left a place with 7 inches on the ground, hour later at home with just a trace lol
Ughhhhh, I really didn't want to get sucked into this... These setups are so darn fickle it's not even funny, especially when you have the potential for instant occlusion as the upper wave moves over a stalled/strung out frontal boundary offshore.
That's why I said 3 days the other day, and now it's 2. If we see a trend today towards a storm again I am scrapping the day thing and saying game on for someone. I think the global models aren't seeing something or are just not sure how to handle a delicate situation like this. One slight change in the energy and something could change enough to have an effect.
The scary/interesting part about this is that wherever this storm develops its going to get strong in a hurry. Like webb and others have said. The thermal boundary is going to make this sucker strong and quick
Ughhhhh, I really didn't want to get sucked into this... These setups are so darn fickle it's not even funny, especially when you have the potential for instant occlusion as the upper wave moves over a stalled/strung out frontal boundary offshore.
Don't you say such sexy things

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Maybe someone can chime in as I can't remember. Do we get upper air obs in that area of Canada or are we really flying blind untik the waves hit the US border. I know our upper air network is sparse, but how sparse?