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Wintry January 3rd-6th, 2018 Winter Storm The ARCC/Xtreme Weather Special

Looking like, for most in the SE; NYE/NYD is kaput based on NAM/GFS so far.

Edit: GFS says no. Euro/CMC vs GFS now for next wave.
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Yeah, I should have expected this was another no go event with the NYE/NY Day storm. Maybe I’ll be able to track a legit threat for the Mid-South again sometime.
00z euro control and eps . This is the one

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Another thing you don't see everyday, a continued ENE track despite bombing.

Edit: Looking through the members, it's all or nothing. Of the members that have the storm, most have a perfect track for most. Not one member cuts.
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Another thing you don't see everyday, a continued ENE track despite bombing.

Edit: Looking through the members, it's all or nothing. Of the members that have the storm, most have a perfect track for most. Not one member cuts.
Yeah its boom or bust no doubt
Need all boom today no bust as we got to break the cycle here, so today less interaction with northern stream and less suppression
Can’t remeber what model it was from, but I’m pretty sure I saw a high of 20 & low of 7 for the 1/4-1/6 timeframe for KATL.

Early Jan 2014 comes to mind.
CMC and even the Navgem are not far off at H5 from the Euro. The Euro is definitely not alone in it's depiction so between the EPS support and other guidance looking similar, I agree this is our shot.


Well between you, ARCC and SD seemingly going all in I guess I’m all in

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Well between you, ARCC and SD seemingly going all in I guess I’m all in

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I was going to wait until at the 12z runs today before I went all in and I think there is enough model agreement at this time to say the system on the 3rd and 4th is our best chance of scoring next week.
Can’t remeber what model it was from, but I’m pretty sure I saw a high of 20 & low of 7 for the 1/4-1/6 timeframe for KATL.

Early Jan 2014 comes to mind.

It was the Euro and is still showing it, but the NWS is going way warm with the GFS?? Who knows anymore..??
I wake up and see the models are trolling us pretty hard this year so far. Euro is the troll de jueur What did we ever do to them?

I think the pattern has sufficiently showed its hand and I don't think an amped up system is likely in this northern stream dominated flow. Even if it does as a late bloomer in the Atlantic, that's usually too far east for folks west of 77. I'm paying attention of course but I'm highly doubtful that we see a storm. We'll see. Perhaps the pattern can relax just enough at the end...
Well between you, ARCC and SD seemingly going all in I guess I’m all in

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I refuse to go all-in, I'm still at the bottom of the cliff from diving after the storm That was supposed to be occurring today was such a debacle. Also I actually fear that this one does go boom, gets amped runs just Inland of the coast and I'm on the warm side of the fence. But I'm still cautiously optimistic especially with the antecedent cold air

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