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Wintry January 3rd-6th, 2018 Winter Storm The ARCC/Xtreme Weather Special

Cmc wasn't far off the same solution. Maybe we can have some eps support as well
Great. Now we have a storm even further away to track. Then when we get close to it, it’ll vanish also. That’s the only real trend I see in all this. I’m in Columbia, and it’s hard to even get excited.
I literally just saw a bigger event than 1973 was for CAE only 150 miles away on that Euro run. Hm.
Okay thanks for the info. Are there a chance that the upstate can get heavier precipitation up this way if it phases where it is right now on the euro

Smidge earlier you are fine, but big problems down here as some warm nosing is the problem. Actually I wouldn't mind a slightly earlier phase if I can keep the 850mb low south of me
Not very often do you have a 240knt jet streak at 300mb over the deep south.

I literally just saw a bigger event than 1973 was for CAE only 150 miles away on that Euro run. Hm.
If only man! I wasn't around during the time of that Feb. 73 storm, but heard the stories. Would be nice to have a smiler event or one to top it.
As of now I see 2 possible paths. 1 it's a late bloomer like cmc, or 2 it's close to euro solution. I think gfs solution is likely wrong and a bonus wildcard is it tries to phase up a bit earlier than euro showing. A240kt jet streak is nuts
As promising as these trends are, it's important to remember that things are still trending. It wouldn't surprise me to see the 12z Euro tomorrow trend towards the earlier phase and bombogensis solution because it was close last run and then even closer this run (it actually did bomb out for New England).

00Z EPS is going to be interesting.
Agreed. I want to see some kind of support from the eps
Let's also not forget even if it verifies something like tonight's euro run, it's gonna get damn cold. That flow is direct from the Arctic