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Wintry January 29th-30th ARCC Slam Dunk Winter Weather Threat

We still have couple of days for it to trend either way. I'm not worried, watching the models all day long is insane but I love it. I'll see yall at 18z

To me, as long as we have the precip, we're fine, if it's heavy enough it can change over. We cant afford for models to get any warmer though, hopefully it's a blip and not a trend.
To me, as long as we have the precip, we're fine, if it's heavy enough it can change over. We cant afford for models to get any warmer though, hopefully it's a blip and not a trend.
I think we will be fine to be honest, they may be trending to a 1-2" solution now and finally some agreement, but I still can see isolated 3s or higher with heavy prcip bands.
The rain behind the snow to me implies that the moisture in the snow growth region is pretty much non existent at that point.

I dont think it necessarily changes over to rain, it's just a problem with that map, I've noticed it in previous runs showing rain with temps in the 20s well behind the front.
I dont think it necessarily changes over to rain, it's just a problem with that map, I've noticed it in previous runs showing rain with temps in the 20s well behind the front.
I don’t either but that’s prob that model saying hey moisture is shallow and it’s only going to be drizzle or ZR
I dont think it necessarily changes over to rain, it's just a problem with that map, I've noticed it in previous runs showing rain with temps in the 20s well behind the front.

Part of the problem is like we talked about the other night is the dominant precip chart is determining the precip if it fell the time the chart was made. The QPF is from the hours previous thus the overlap. Like I said, a worthless chart.
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The rain behind the snow to me implies that the moisture in the snow growth region is pretty much non existent at that point.

I was going to post the same thing. Weak moisture in the snow growth region... I bet a sounding would show exactly that.
Hopefully the EPS holds its own here in a few. Someone who has the earlier access to it, please post. Will it be out around 1:30?
Yep you can clearly see it in the chart above. The heaviest accumulations is perfectly in line with the ridge and mountain tops with Cheaha seeing the max.

This is exactly right. That ridge, although lower than Cheaha extends into northwest Georgia for areas that range from 1100'-1400' elevation. I've seen those areas in Paulding and Haralson counties get minor dustings in situations like this, whereas the surrounding areas get nothing.
Latest day 3 QPF from the WPC for Monday night into Tuesday is pretty much the same. Less for west TN, more for GA and western NC/SC, but otherwise consistent with earlier forecasts. We're inside 72 hours with a consistently modeled threat that all models show to one degree or another. Time to sit back and relax. At least this isnt day 7 or 10 or 15 lol. :cool:

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Not the greatest run for any of us but only 1 to 2/10th in. of QPF could make all the difference for some areas. Almost impossible for the models to have that exact QPF output completely accurate when we are still talking about Tuesday. (eternal optimist, for now!)
Your right, still little way to go. The rain system we had the other day was over performer, flooded my town. Shows you right there that no models or people will figure out the QPF until radar watch lol
At what point do we start paying more attention to the short range models instead of the globals?

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