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Pattern January 2021 - Joyless January

And as long as I've been following winter weather, we've never had a wall-to-wall cool/cold winter. There is ALWAYS a moderation period, just gotta be patient, something will come along.
Yes and remember a little warm up always seems to happen before a decent southeast snow. Rarely do we have highs in the 20s and lows in the teens consistently followed by a snow storm. It‘s usually warmer weather followed by a cold front and heavy wet snow at least to start.
Lol. I absolutely would get tired of it. But it would be cool to experience it for one winter. Get under one of those lake effect snow bands that spits out 4 inches an hour.

But really if we fail this winter too, I am going to consider moving elsewhere, like TN or MN. Give me snow or at least give us some severe weather to track.

i grew up in ga and moved to MN for about 8 years. The snow was great! Rarely any warm nose or mixing issues. Snow with the cold was powdery and awesome to watch. The issue I ran in to was the COLD. I mean it would get frigid for weeks and they don’t usually have snow days. Digging you car out in the morning at -10 to go to work then doing it after work to go home finally got to me as I got older. Way below zero temps were awesome to experience but the cold is mind numbing lol