Good to hear some folks got some good accumulation, at least for a bit. No live obs from me today. Had to drive from Wilmington area back to Raleigh.
Biggest obs for me was the winds. 40 east of 95 is usually a pretty laid back (almost boring) drive, but today the gusts were howling and I was constantly fighting the steering wheel, especially over bridges. Saw a couple high profile vehicles swerve pretty close to the median.
I peaked at the this thread before leaving, with high hopes to see some heavy white stuff in the Triangle just before it ended. Love driving through a changeover, and was hoping to see one of those where you go from a dreary slop to a white pasting within a few miles. Anyway I didn't see majority frozen until 540, right about the time I saw blue in the distance. 5 minutes later, it was flurrying with the sun out.
Here's my 'snow' pic...

NOT the changeover I wanted. You can't see it but there were flurries falling with full sun out. Or at least they were for a few seconds before probably melting from sun rays. Or maybe I hallucinated it? ?
Anyway, I glad some of you in the triangle posted some obs/pics of white stuff, cause it sure isn't around anymore.