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Wintry Jan 15-16 Winter Storm Discussion & Obs

From Meteorologist Chris Lisauckis in Huntsville
Good Evening, after reviewing the latest computer model data and applying various meteorological techniques, I see no reason to change the forecast much from earlier. The Tennessee Valley Region of northern Alabama and southern middle Tennessee will be located in an ideal location for very heavy snow between 9am and 3pm Sunday. Whiteout conditions are likely at times over the area and travel problems will likely develop throughout the morning hours. An experimental snow forecasting index I am developing indicates 2-3" per hour snowfall rates are possible, and thundersnow. A fair amount of this snow will likely melt because of above freezing surface temperatures, however I still expect 5-7" across a large part of the area. Unfortunately, due to the difficulty of this forecast, it's not possible to predict locations where these totals are most likely at this time. The Tennessee Valley will be located in the left exit region of the high altitude jet stream portion of the storm system, which may allow temperatures to dynamically cool more than expected at the surface as heavy precipitation continues. Only a few degrees of surface temperature will separate us from getting 5-7" and 8-10" of snow. Things could change with the forecast. Please expect the unexpected.
Geez,reckon he is just talking about northeast counties or all of us???wow