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Pattern Jammin' January

00z cmc

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Would be nice to see that low in south Florida and get that snow to translate east. A little more cold press also. Long way to go.

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Little winter mix upstate sc and mountains. Novelty event

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Started to put this in banter, but banter right now is nothing about this pattern so I am putting it here. I have tried to catch up on things today over the last few minutes and reading some of these posts just make me want to shake my head. I don't want to sound negative toward some people and I know this will, but for the love of God please just be patient. Just a few days ago, many folks were wondering if we would even get a pattern that would be supportive of any winter weather. Those I consider the most knowledgeable people on this board have never wavered in their belief that this period coming up would see an increase in our chances. They shared why they believed what they believed and detailed with evidence in their posts - even though many models did not necessarily support those thoughts. Now, those beliefs are seemingly coming to fruition and many are still whining about this or that. Please be patient and enjoy the ride, though at times it can be frustrating.

I love snow. I love the anticipation of the storm and when it comes to fruition. I am almost 50 years old though and I do not claim to know a lot about the weather. However, I do know this. We live in the south. Nothing is guaranteed, except heat and humidity in the summer. Snow is no guarantee, regardless of what models put out. How many remember Groundhogzilla - one of the biggest model busts of all time! I can recall more storms that I care to that provided nothing but disappointment. However, there have been a few storms which provided that thrill that many of us live for. And the hope for that thrill is what brings many of us to places like this to share.

Over the next several weeks we may be disappointed on more than one occasion. In fact, I may get shut out of anything which would be very frustrating. However, I am hoping that all of us get that storm we want. I am rooting for Phil in Florida to see something frozen fall and how incredible would it be for Larry in Savannah to score in back-to-back years. I am sorry for the rant, and do not want to offend anyone. To quote Red (Morgan Freeman) in The Shawshank Redemption "Hope is a dangerous thing." But in the same movie, Andy (Tim Robbins), says "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." Yes, hope can bring disappointment, which is scaring many of us. However, at this point, we have hope, which is a good thing. And it is what will bring us back year after year.

Good luck to all of you! I hope you all get your snow - and I hope I get mine as well!
Ukie should be interesting in a bit for Sun. Interested in it at 84 and euro compared to nam. Gfs lost me, massive change snowballed rest of run
I will say a potential negative to the first system not phasing up will be the big cold push won't be as strong as well further south initially. There are soooooo many moving parts its going to be hard to hit the final outcome until a few days in....
Do you know why we are getting so many different solution every model run???
I was trying to look and figure it out. But it gave me a headache.

Because the models have no clue at all

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