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Pattern Jammin' January

Europe is gonna rock

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Oh come on now. Atlanta is in the DEEP south. Of course they will have temps above 85. But being so far south. cold is NEVER guaranteed.
Freezing isn't cold. Give this a rest...wow. Zero chance it won't get to freezing at ATL the rest of winter, so why keep this going>

Light ? It’s a few model runs . I wouldn’t call that light

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One of the best signs of an imminent pattern change is when OP models are a bit volatile back and forth with cold vs warm in the day 10-15 range. There are signs pointing to a gradual pattern change that begins around January 10th and within 5-10 days of that locking into a better pattern. How favorable remains to be seen but I expect models will begin shifting colder as they begin to figure it all out. All of the OP models are pointing to a sustained cold setting up starting day 9-10. Ensembles will pick up on this within the next few days IMO.
One of the best signs of an imminent pattern change is when OP models are a bit volatile back and forth with cold vs warm in the day 10-15 range. There are signs pointing to a gradual pattern change that begins around January 10th and within 5-10 days of that locking into a better pattern. How favorable remains to be seen but I expect models will begin shifting colder as they begin to figure it all out. All of the OP models are pointing to a sustained cold setting up starting day 9-10. Ensembles will pick up on this within the next few days IMO.
We don’t need deep green anomolies to get a snowstorm. January is prime climo. We just need a shade of blue and it’s game on
I came across some research that indicates SSW events usually spread the cold across Europe/Asia first while the US goes through a warm period and then it spreads to the US within 7-10 days. This fits the mid-January transition I think we will see here in the US. The SSW effects are going to be bringing some cold air into Europe/Asia the next 3-5 days and then 7-10 days later we will see similar in the US if this holds true. That would put us at January 15-20 to see some nice cold and fits in with the OP modeling dropping down a 1045+ HP by days 9-10.

Here's the excerpt from the article.
Cohen says during the week after the stratosphere warms, cold air shifts off the North Pole and usually moves toward Asia. At that time, Cohen says the eastern U.S. can get really warm by winter standards. Finally another week later the cold air often sloshes back over the North Pole and moves south into the eastern U.S.
So if we get a cold outbreak in Michigan and the eastern U.S. due to this SSW, it probably won’t happen until mid-January. Typically we see the cold air move south into the eastern U.S. and then becomes stationary for several weeks to a month.

Current 2M anomalies in Europe/Asia.

Anomalies in 4-5 days.
Freezing isn't cold. Give this a rest...wow. Zero chance it won't get to freezing at ATL the rest of winter, so why keep this going>
I'm 40 miles out of the city and have had several frosts in May since moving to Emerson in 2008. Lol.

I’ll take this look. It’s really really close to something good.

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HP in the wrong spot for snow around here. Mountains would get crushed and they need it. Low track is money though. This is not the first time FV3 has shown a GL around this time frame.
I don’t see an issue with the SSW. Just bad luck for us right now as we are not benefiting from it. I think you can blame the PAC on that but IMHO super blame the MJO phase. Now I think this is finally the time we will see some D8-15 changes because the MJO is moving into better phases and if we keep the SOI tanking then that will act like a “cattle prod” as JB says, to the atmosphere and pattern. I’m actually slightly optimistic.
If you could blend the 12z FV3 gulf low and the GFS HP strength and placement around this timeframe then someone east of the mountains would get crushed

I’ll take this look. It’s really really close to something good.

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Looks delicious! My yard was starting to dry out! :)
If you could blend the 12z FV3 gulf low and the GFS HP strength and placement around this timeframe then someone east of the mountains would get crushed

Cmon this is like me telling my wife the chili is good but needs more salt, more spice, more meat/fewer beans, and needs to be cooked longer but otherwise it’s perfect.

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