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Pattern Jammin' January

So who thinks the southeast sees more snow this year? I’m talking Atlanta,Greenville, Charlotte, Columbia, Raleigh, Alabama, Mississippi

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Well, Columbia is certainly not seeing any snow. Lol
I don’t think the LR can be totally believed because we are trying to finally see the MJO moving. To me until they figure out that, we are going to see highly volatile solutions.

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If this keeps up, it’s going to be nearly impossible to get good arctic air into a favorable position without some serious HP moderation. With the way guidance is looking atm, we are going to need some major help and good fortune from here on out I’m afraid
Using the logic that the models just can’t be trusted because they’re inconsistent

I see a lot of frustration and some terrible modeling by most models for the 8-10 day and especially the 10-15 day time frame. They can’t be trusted and that’s 100% correct logic.

Now, how you interpret that is up for debate. Heat does largely win out most of the time, and a lot of models have a cold bias in general, but I’ll have to disagree on trusting a full on torch for the LR just because heat is more believable to the eye.

If the models were showing a spectacular pattern but have been all over the place, the same people will be yelling not to trust the 10-15 cold because the models are inconsistent. So why the double standard?

Also, CR don’t take this the wrong way. We go way back. Just seeing a lot of the same stuff on twitter too..calling out the optimistic folks. I don’t really get it.

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Don’t get me wrong, I really like Joe. I just think it’s funny that his his forecast verification is hinging on the SSW. There was no talk of SSW when his WXBell forecast came out many months ago. Now it’s SSW or major forecast bust. Why before the what?
In fairness to him tho, every forecast I saw had a cold to very cold Jan for us.