At this point, I feel like there is zero point in living and dying by the models. They aren't exact science and they rarely are accurate outside of the short term window aside from picking up on "ideas" that have no definite solution until the short term. Living in the south, we have to realize that winter and snow are highly dependent on getting all the variables in our favor at the right moment in unison with one another. While I feel confident as an enthusiast that these will work out for some of us somewhere before winter ends, until that happens, I am happy with what is given to us. All we can honestly do is keep peeking at what is shown and wait for that moment where something pops and give us something to at least track because just because it's going to be in the 60s this week for most, that isn't the end all for winter. It's the south.. we do this every year for the most part. Let's just keep pushing forward and eventually we'll get something to track... even if it doesn't plow through our backyard directly with snow... it will for someone!At any rate, I am tired of all this dang rain!!! If it's going to be warm, let's get some sunshine with it at least you know!? lol.
Indeed...The winter is not over and at some point things will break to a colder pattern. My gut say by the end of the month things will look different and until then we get to enjoy the warmth for a little while longer.
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