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Pattern Jammin' January

Weeklies for weeks 3-5: look the same or slightly colder each week vs prior run. Weeks 3-6 all colder than normal SE with -NAO/-AO/+PNA. Though they may very well be underdoing the cold intensity, they're not extreme cold by any means at 2 meters or even at 850, which may mean just glancing blows from some of the Arctic highs and with warmups in between. Which is probably what most here would want anyway since they don't want extreme cold/dry. The best place to be for most in the SE for big snow chances often is at the bottom of Arctic highs as opposed to them plunging deep down here, which is usually means dry. But the jury is still out on that. Precip near normal all weeks in most of SE US, which is indicative of it not being a dry pattern from deep cold plunges.
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Yeah. It’s hard statistically to get a large mean with 52 members. Looks pretty impressive to me, especially to our north, where our cold air will be coming from.

Exactly. If we get this pattern to verify, it will probably trend colder and colder as the models have a hard time with temps with snowpack.
In that whole animation, the coldest I get is 27 degrees, and getting close to February at the end! That’s about 4-5 degrees below normal. Don’t know what everybody is excited about!?

I don’t know exactly what part of North Carolina your from. You don’t want it too cold then you have to worry about storms being suppressed. Plus if you take a look at the bigger picture you can see all that cold in Canada. It wouldn’t take much for it to come rolling on in the Southeast with the correct blocking. I am looking at the big picture in general and not mby.