Pattern Flaming Feb 2021

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I remember the morning, but Im surprised bc I dont recollect snow. But, I cant argue the fact. Good find!!!
Day before the blast had 67/15 with 1.5 inches in Sanford . Probably falling overnight ! Frontal snow. Not much of a snowpack though I’m not sure how much depth affects things vs just having cover . Sanford dropped to -3 only it looks vs -9 at RDU.
RDU airport had 2 inches according to now data. Just checked Sanford it had 1.5 inches. I’m still curious as to what the absolute coldest low with no snow cover is .
Charlotte got down to -5 with the 1985 outbreak with no snow on the ground. The dusting that fell as the Arctic front came through had evaporated by the that night
Reread what I said bro, snowpack ! I’m wondering what the coldest temps can get without a snowpack are . I’m a climo data machine ik when we hit single digits trust me lol. Perhaps @SD knows .

Any examples of it being in the single digits with 0 snow on the ground ? 2015,2014,2018,2000, 1985 etc all had snow on the ground if I’m not mistaken with the record lows . Genuinely curious , would take a bit of digging to find out .

Partially true. Jan 2018 No snow here in the western piedmont, and had several nights in the single digits.
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Reread what I said bro, snowpack ! I’m wondering what the coldest temps can get without a snowpack are . I’m a climo data machine ik when we hit single digits trust me lol. Perhaps @SD knows .

Any examples of it being in the single digits with 0 snow on the ground ? 2015,2014,2018,2000, 1985 etc all had snow on the ground if I’m not mistaken with the record lows . Genuinely curious , would take a bit of digging to find out .
I was Down East in 1985. No snowpack If I remember correctly. The sounds froze over though
Coldest temp I’ve ever seen in my life was my pops birthday in 1982. January 17. -27° F. Windchill was -44°. Threw hot water in the air and it froze and fell as snow. School was closed for four days because the boiler and furnace crapped the bed and every pipe in school froze and burst. Our hockey team could have skated through the entire school. Not only do I remember a block heater on the Grand Waggoner being plugged in, but he had a space heater under the hood and inside the cabin as well. He went to work in Iron Mountain and was sent home because they couldn’t work on the ELF transceiver antenna’s for the Navy because of the danger of frostbite.