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Pattern February Discussion

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Through Day 13
Looking at the 0z EPS, looks like we definitely need to watch the 8th-12th period (approximately, timing will change). EPS has a stronger ridge building out west with some good strong blocking over northwestern Atlantic.

With the first system in Feb. EPS agrees that it will cut. The low could come further south, give or take.

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Damn the 12z GEFS holds lots of promise . huge storm signal the 5th-8th

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I'm with you 100% The 5th has been my target date for weeks, looking at everything (think I said so somewhere in a couple posts way back)! Now we just gotta be right - I hate eating my own words! LOL
the screaming message is cold and stormy .

Fab Feb the 5th -10th

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e10 is a nasty ice storm verbatim. very little snow

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Hmmm, I'm not sure where that's coming from, not unless that strong surface HP at the end of the run of the GFS slips off to the NE while that SER hangs on. That is a possibility, but since we're looking past hr 192 a lot of things will change of course.

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Hmmm, I'm not sure where that's coming from, not unless that strong surface HP at the end of the run of the GFS slips off to the NE while that SER hangs on. That is a possibility, but since we're looking past hr 192 a lot of things will change of course.

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looking at again it's mostly sleet . with a few inches of backside snow. it would be an epic storm . e 10 has another massive storm day 15 lol.

hell at this point I'll take a huge ice storm . I don't care , just one more system

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12z GEFS look really good. I'll take that storm signal and possible cold any day...

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According to the EPS, that 2nd storm 8th-12th will not cut. The EPS has the low coming up from the Gulf with that Arctic HP further south. GFS should trend that way as well.

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12z Euro is digging down slightly further than 12z GFS. Looks like north GA will still get some flurries, even the northern suburbs of ATL. Some sprinkles as well.

Edit: Oopss, move this post to the clipper thread. Didn't realize I was in the Feb. thread.

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don't understand what the fuss is . we all know days 7-10 are a wash with the ridge rolling on through . no big deal

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
don't understand what the fuss is . we all know days 7-10 are a wash with the ridge rolling on through . no big deal

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Yup, no big deal during that period. Its the period after that is what we have to watch.

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