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Pattern February 2024

For fun. Atlanta peeps are going to like this from the Euro weeklies control.
The Euro control is the new DGEX.
For fun. Atlanta peeps are going to like this from the Euro weeklies control.

What does the regular Ext mean show? I'm curious. With such a crazy good H5 I would hope it would be significant. I really do hope that pattern materializes, I think it's been since 2010 we've had full HL blocking up top and a full troughed east coast and 50/50.
February Playbook:
Feb 5: Winter storm chance possible
Feb 1-10: Low pressure replaced with High pressure in East Asia
Feb 10-15: Momentum added into the Pac Jet; Aleutian Low swells and moves east; SW trough kicks east; AK and/or GLand Blocking Increases
Feb 15-25: Southern stream becomes more active; Chances for winter storm or 2 increases
Late Feb into Early Mar: Favorable pattern continues for the most part; favorable MJO phases

Possible Outcomes: Glory Delivered! / Can Kickage / Fail Boat

Euro Weeklies Feb 6 to Mar 12 in 7-day increments
Jan 25 Euro Wk Loop.gif
I don't have a clue what Spire weather is but I like it lol
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That's a machine learning weather model. Basically an AI model that analyzes all kinds of atmospheric data points and conditions and then spits out an extrapolation based on the likely outcomes of those conditions. It's basically a super ensemble mean as it doesn't "model" the dynamics of the atmosphere. This is from my quick Google search.
That's a machine learning weather model. Basically an AI model that analyzes all kinds of atmospheric data points and conditions and then spits out an extrapolation based on the likely outcomes of those conditions. It's basically a super ensemble mean as it doesn't "model" the dynamics of the atmosphere. This is from my quick Google search.
producing a well known likely outcome, a *checks notes* OKC to Charleston slider
2010 is a good example of what this year’s MJO may do over the next several weeks or so.

A very slow grind thru the western hemisphere and Indian Ocean, that takes until late March or so to reach the Maritime Continent as -NAO likely rages on.

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Euro Weekly VP Plot

Jan 25 Euro Wk MJO.png
The coupling with El Niño, -NAO, collapse of the +IOD, descending easterly QBO, and our current timing in the seasonal cycle (time of the year where the MJO tends to be at its strongest), and some of the S2S models, all point to a very slow-moving MJO event across the western hemisphere and Indian Ocean the next 2 months.

Feels to me like we’ve stacked the deck towards this kind of scenario where legit S2S forcing in favor of warmer temps doesn’t appear until the latter half of March or so