Interestingly tonight at 900 PM, RDU was 34 degrees. No other
stations (ASOS) were warmer in the state of North Carolina except
for the Outer Banks stations surrounded by water and Beaufort on the
coast. Even Wilmington was 32. Also of local interest, all the Wake
County and Raleigh sites (AWOS and LDAD) were running colder than
the RDU ASOS except one. I counted on the order of 25 sites in Wake
that reported at 900 PM. Only one site that is urbanized (near
downtown) reported 35. Even the hot spot in our CWA, Fayetteville
reported 26.
Expect clear skies and very cold temperatures with exceptional
radiational cooling in the arctic air mass (frost points in the
teens). Most lows in the 15-20 range, except for RDU
Mmmm hmmmm