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Pattern Dazzling December

Euro Suite is taking baby steps toward the GFS Suite with respect to it wanting to send more of that low pressure from NE Siberia toward Alaska. On the flip side, this was a hardcore west-based Greenland block and east coast trough couplet on this run of the EPS....very nice.

Anecdotally / Historically, I tend to view the GFS Ensemble as being a little better performer on the Pacific side, and with how it depicts the associated downstream pattern over the U.S., while I tend to view the Euro Ensemble a better performer on the Atlantic side. A retrograding Greenland Block like this should be taylor-made for the Euro Ens
It’s interesting that you mention the Euro suite is a better performer on the Atlantic side… I know that back in the winters of ‘09-10, ‘10-11, and ‘13-14, it always seemed like that when the Euro showed a storm in the 7-9 range you could pretty much take it to the bank that there would be a storm… you just had to wait for the specifics to be ironed out. Those winters of course, saw general patterns in which strong blocking up north dominated the pattern for long stretches
NOAA CPC goes mini-boom with Dec 8-14 500mb and Temperature Forecasts


NOAA CPC goes mini-boom with Dec 8-14 500mb and Temperature Forecasts



I honestly cant remember a time in my tracking hobby where I've seen so much blocking up top, and lower heights from the Mississippi River all the way across the hemisphere to the far side of Siberia. Not sure 2010 was even that pure, though I'm sure I missed the comparisons a few pages back. I really hope this blocking pattern materializes. Seems like CPC thinks it will. At the very least, I'd bet the Mountains will get to start the ski season with a bang mid December, and I'll be there for it! ⛷️

I honestly cant remember a time in my tracking hobby where I've seen so much blocking up top, and lower heights from the Mississippi River all the way across the hemisphere to the far side of Siberia. Not sure 2010 was even that pure, though I'm sure I missed the comparisons a few pages back. I really hope this blocking pattern materializes. Seems like CPC thinks it will. At the very least, I'd bet the Mountains will get to start the ski season with a bang mid December, and I'll be there for it! ⛷️

Oh I can assure you, the Dec 2010 block was hardcore to the max. It had one of the all-time low daily AO values for winter. But no doubt, the one upcoming looks really good if it materializes. This was the 7-10 day forecast image from the Euro in early Dec 2010

Oh I can assure you, the Dec 2010 block was hardcore to the max. It had one of the all-time low daily AO values for winter. But no doubt, the one upcoming looks really good if it materializes. This was the 7-10 day forecast image from the Euro in early Dec 2010


Thanks Grit! Interestingly, it looks like it had the same issues in the pacific, Aleutian ridge that this upcoming one may have. Hopefully this one will bully the TPV into Vermont to give us the confluence we need. Lol.