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Pattern Dazzling December

Here is the associated 24 hr ensemble snow avg lighting up across the SE / Deep South around Christmas

I have to tell you, January 2003 is one of my favorite storms of all time. Maybe my all time favorite.
I just loved reading the discussions from GSP that evening as it was approaching. They had started out by forecasting 1-2” for CLT during the afternoon update, but you could tell by mid-evening when they were updating every hour, they knew that was gonna bust big time. It had just started snowing when I went to bed about midnight and then the next thing I remember was getting woke up about 4:30am to a loud clap of thunder and knew even before I looked outside I was gonna like what I saw
If that artic wave dropping down with that pre- christmas front, comes down at angle just one notch, degree futher west,we can get the fireworks to go off in the NE GOM, Ga/Fl coast. On the 12zCan and 12zEuro op it does this off the Carolina Coast and gets going off the Delmarva.
Why you see that pretty 18z GEFS ens member. This is a lot easier doable than it normally is. Im willing to bet at a minimum the Next couple of days we will see this happen on several ens members,probably an OP run or two.
If that artic wave dropping down with that pre- christmas front, comes down at angle just one notch, degree futher west,we can get the fireworks to go off in the NE GOM, Ga/Fl coast. On the 12zCan and 12zEuro op it does this off the Carolina Coast and gets going off the Delmarva.
Why you see that pretty 18z GEFS ens member. This is a lot easier doable than it normally is. Im willing to bet at a minimum the Next couple of days we will see this happen on several ens members,probably an OP run or two.
Need to pump the ridge faster to help it slide down further west. We’ve seen runs speeding up the western ridge but not quite enough to get this thing to crank up in the gulf. But we’re close, very very close.
Regardless of whether it snows or not, it’s certainly going to feel a lot like Christmas should this year. Wouldn’t shock me if some locales in central nc failed to break out of the 30s on Christmas Eve &/or Christmas Day. That alone is a massive W
Heck anything above freezing may be hard to come by. **That would be crazy to see places in Florida (..Panhandle) stay below freezing as well. *** ha ha Miami with highs in the 40s

The key thing about cold stress will be how long we stay below freezing. It's one thing to hit sub freezing temps for 18-24hrs or less but if you stay below freezing for, say 72hrs or more in places where that typically doesn't happen much it can literally be deadly
And probably accompanied with gusty winds which would be the knockout blow. Now I'm getting a hint at what you mountain folks can see in winter. Nothing like this in Columbia SC.
It's actually the calm nights when its about negative ten and your nose hairs freeze 30 seconds when you walk outside. It's historic to be that cold but the truth is it's very hard on everything when it gets 10 degrees and below. Coldest I've ever witnessed has been negative 13 degrees.
Once in a decade type cold here literally. It’s giving January 2003/January 2014 vibes. It got down to 8 degrees (2003) and 4 degrees (2014) in ATL respectively.
Also fits with the overall paradigm, where good storms like to appear after to near the tail end of cold shots