Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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The true number of deaths from economic collapse is unknown. I'm monitoring the situation in Spain and Italy carefully. People are running out of food in those countries. Nobody really prepared around the south Florida area. I just went to my local publix and cleaned out some shelves. It was packed and 99% of the people were not wearing protective gear like gloves or masks. I'm now more worried about the social breakdown rather than the coronavirus. I see it coming.
I appreciate your efforts and pray for your safety. Been there and done that for over a decade fighting a different battle. His response has nothing to do with the impact your are feeling right now and you know this. You were going to be in this fight either way unfortunately so if you want to be pissed at somebody, be pissed at those who dont support his administrations efforts with a desire to see him fail. There are plenty on this board alone and I dont even have to point them out. You absolutely have the right to criticize but "qoutes" are a poor reason. Based on the things I have been privy to, you could have been in a hall of a lot worse position than you are now. Im sorry if you dont believe safe and thank you for your sacrifice. I know all to well whats it like to put you life in peril.
Really, who on this board wants to see the administration fail? Name and shame.
Also, words have meaning. Especially the words of the people in power. It is absolutely appropriate to criticize over impactful and illuminating quotes.
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Over/under 200k deaths by next Tuesday?
I'd go way under. Deaths are doubling in a little over under a week now, so I'd estimate 90,000-100,000 worldwide by this time next week (from 42,158 presently). 200,000 will probably happen by the following week, however.
I don't trust anything coming out of the left-wing regarding coronavirus. So many left-wing media outlets are facing defamation suits relating to coverage over the last three years. CNN just had to settle with a child because they defamed a child wearing a MAGA hat. MSNBC is facing a lawsuit right now by OEN for saying they are "really literally [] paid Russian Propaganda" despite being funded by an American family. Their hate for Trump has caused them to become sloppy, and I see that same sloppiness with their coverage of the coronavirus, especially when it is related to Trump.
Now I'm scratching my head. The UW model yesterday had AL at 1173 deaths with 37 deaths per day max, staying well under hospital bed max and only needing 70 ICU beds. This mornings update, despite doing much better than previous model projections, has 7334 deaths, a max of 314 deaths per day and overwhelming hospitals by 26,000 and ICU by 4,500.

And we complain about the GFS....

Edit: BTW that is 7 times as many deaths as its projecting MS and 3 times GA.

Edit 2: I see the issue now, they added the extra deaths they had been investigating in the same day which jumped the daily total and skewed the numbers.
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Now I'm scratching my head. The UW model yesterday had AL at 1173 deaths with 37 deaths per day max, staying well under hospital bed max and only needing 70 ICU beds. This mornings update, despite doing much better than previous model projections, has 7334 deaths, a max of 314 deaths per day and overwhelming hospitals by 26,000 and ICU by 4,500.

And we complain about the GFS....

Edit: BTW that is 7 times as many deaths as its projecting MS and 3 times GA.

Edit 2: I see the issue now, they added the extra deaths they had been investigating in the same day which jumped the daily total and skewed the numbers.

Do you have a link to this model?
2017 and 2018 Deaths in the US

View attachment 38194

And don't forget the approximately 850,000 children who were killed before they were born each year for 2017 and 2018

They’re not children until they’re born. That’s not a political statement, that’s a medical statement. It is a fetus until delivered. Medical fact. Also if it were considered a child while in utero, you could claim it on taxes.
With the thought that this fall there could be a second wave of coronavirus, is it possible that it could in any way affect the elections? What I am referring to specifically is for the ability of people to go out and vote. If a big second wave happens is it possible the election could be delayed or would they just have people vote anyways despite the risks? This is NOT a political question but simply on what may happen with the voting process if a big 2nd wave does occur.
They’re not children until they’re born. That’s not a political statement, that’s a medical statement. It is a fetus until delivered. Medical fact. Also if it were considered a child while in utero, you could claim it on taxes.

Ill stick with the Bible/Gods definition:
Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;
With the thought that this fall there could be a second wave of coronavirus, is it possible that it could in any way affect the elections? What I am referring to specifically is for the ability of people to go out and vote. If a big second wave happens is it possible the election could be delayed or would they just have people vote anyways despite the risks? This is NOT a political question but simply on what may happen with the voting process if a big 2nd wave does occur.

Personally I cant think of how that would even be legal or possible.....I have to see if there is even guidelines in the Constitution to allow such a thing to occur.
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