Wake County schools are not closing. They said the students and staff are not in the high risk categories, and it would be worse to close because parents would have to find childcare, and often that is with an elderly person like a grandparent. They also said it could be a financial burden on parents to miss work, and would mean healthcare professionals would be at home instead of in the hospitals. Also said kids depend on meals at school, and that it could be worse if kids were out and going other places. They said they are going by the CDC recommendation that it would not do any good to close schools yet.
Not sure how I feel about it. I think they make valid points. Then again, they canceled all athletic and extracurricular activities. If they can't have those then why is it safe to have school? I just worry because you can have the virus and not even know it, and speed it to others. We could have teachers get sick, and then not have enough teachers. And of course the kids could be spreading it to each other, and then bring it home and spread it to family members. My wife is also a special education itinerant teacher for pre-k kids, and she travels around to different schools, daycares, and even homes to teach kids. She said a lot of teachers are requesting substitutes and planning to stay home, too, so there may not be enough teachers to cover the classes. Just a terrible and difficult situation.