What weve done right:
Ban travel from SE Asia.
Ban travel from European countries that dont controll their borders for 30 days.
President and his team reaches out and got all these big venue events to cancel out large gatherings, sports world, business,then univ,state local govts followed suite. ** This is huge** FLATTEN THE CURVE THEORY.
Proppossed and hopefully today get passage of remaining massive economic releif. From banks,small business,consumer,American individual.
Tried to stave off panic pre arrival coronovirus. ( see what went wrong below).
Administration consistently reminding all of us. This isnt the end of of the world. We will get through it.
Everyday American citizen, outside toliet paper rush most everyone has banded together like we always do.
Southernwx board. Lot of great ideas,info shared in here.
- More exposure to our next catastrophe. Supply Chain is in bed with China way to much. Need to get back to made in USA. Espeacilly pharmaceuticals and steel.
What has went wrong:
Failed to stave off panic, [ wall street]. President tried, statements are recorded in history. Didnt work
Testing kits. Presidents team owning this botched deal. This one didnt expose itself till the day we needed them. Now having to react to. We are a week to 10 days from fully rectifying.
Politicizing this event. Viewing it as a gift wrapped knock out punch. "Never waste a good crisis". Sorry but the DNC and Mainstream Media are in lockstep on this.
Flip side President spending to much wasted time having to lay out, defend his actions against this constantly. The biggest farce was the play hes got vp runing this when it should be doctors,med profession. That whole response team is working together on lock step,doing a great job. The best of the best are on it .
** yes Pres made several ghaffes in his pre arrival of corno virus statements. Was it attempt to keep markets calm, or he truly beleived at time? Probably a mix of both. But that play is over. Its on to the next play. You can go back and re do that play.
Trying to keep it real.
Since this is a clear right-wing statement, please also mention that House Democrats are trying to sneak in the abolition of taxpayer paid abortions into a bill designed to help this country fight the outbreak. It's a loophole in the Hyde Amendment.
Also the President and his team had nothing to do with sports events cancelling. They did this on their own, or based on what states have limited.
Edit: This kind of politicized statement is what helps spead fear and misinformation. Please do everyone a favor and not post stuff like this.
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