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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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I wonder what's up w/Germany's numbers? They have over 3k cases and only 7 deaths so far, compared to France w/ similar cases and 61 deaths. The US has 1800+ cases and 41 deaths.

If these numbers are accurate, what are they doing over there to contain the death rate so far?
Time to play hardball with China again on tariffs...US needs to show the world who's in charge

Beijing is now blaming the pandemic on the US Army, of all things.

I wonder what's up w/Germany's numbers? They have over 3k cases and only 7 deaths so far, compared to France w/ similar cases and 61 deaths. The US has 1800+ cases and 41 deaths.

If these numbers are accurate, what are they doing over there to contain the death rate so far?
Unfortunately the nursing home situation in Washington inflated our numbers, really sad
I’m not sure which thread to put this in. I know there are weirdos who write to cause panic. Reason I’m posting this is to just read and let’s see if he’s right. I pray he is not and I and everyone can laugh at him saying these things. I am one to look at all different viewpoints and try and learn from. Knowledge is power. Taking the virus outta it all this is my worry with everything shutting down. This is why I have said who’s going to pay for this all.
I wonder what's up w/Germany's numbers? They have over 3k cases and only 7 deaths so far, compared to France w/ similar cases and 61 deaths. The US has 1800+ cases and 41 deaths.

If these numbers are accurate, what are they doing over there to contain the death rate so far?
No country’s numbers are accurate. This contagion is everywhere and has been for some time now. That’s why I don’t get the obsession with testing. Let’s not forget the chi-coms tried to cover this thing up and that’s why we’re where we’re at right now. We’re beyond trying to corner this thing. It’s not happening. Beyond a national 4-5 week lockdown on non essential travel, mass gatherings, ALL schools then this thing is going to continue its spread. And even if we do everything flawlessly for the next 2 months it’s still going to spread. Knowing who has it at this point is irrelevant. Assume it’s everywhere, because it is.
We're on the upswing!

Beijing is now blaming the pandemic on the US Army, of all things.

I think the more likely scenario is that this came from a bat instead of the Wuhan bioweapon facility anyway, but this might, and I do truly mean might not be thoroughly asinine because the US does have someone in custody that is an American citizen over what they did in that facility recently I *think*.

By might I mean something like 0.1% instead of 0.00000001%. The most logical and highly likely explanation is the bat theory but I did see yesterday that China is not sure that the origin point period was Wuhan, no matter any crazy theory they might have thrown out with that.
I’m not sure which thread to put this in. I know there are weirdos who write to cause panic. Reason I’m posting this is to just read and let’s see if he’s right. I pray he is not and I and everyone can laugh at him saying these things. I am one to look at all different viewpoints and try and learn from. Knowledge is power. Taking the virus outta it all this is my worry with everything shutting down. This is why I have said who’s going to pay for this all.

(Natural News) I am cursed with the Cassandra Complex. It means you can see the future but when you tell people about it, no one believes you.

This guy predicting a snowcane up the East Coast too? ???
(Natural News) I am cursed with the Cassandra Complex. It means you can see the future but when you tell people about it, no one believes you.

This guy predicting a snowcane up the East Coast too? ???
Like I said. I don’t believe everything. He has gotten some things right in past. Was it luck probably but never hurts to hear all sides of story. What he does say about the economic collapse is real. Anyone that does not think this Virus could bring it on is blind. What he says is not anything we should all know can happen. People fighting over tp says that. There will be losses of jobs and bankruptcy. No way there will not be. How Americans respond to the times of a depression will be the telling story.
It's a bit concerning to me that China is making veiled threats to hold back on necessary medicines for the US... we really need to work on a plan to get manufacturing for various medicines/drugs back in the US so another country can't dictate our supply or make threats like this.
They're testing a Plant Vogtle employee for coronavirus. If he tests positive that'll be really close to me as Plant Vogtle is like 15ish minutes away from my residence.
No country’s numbers are accurate. This contagion is everywhere and has been for some time now. That’s why I don’t get the obsession with testing. Let’s not forget the chi-coms tried to cover this thing up and that’s why we’re where we’re at right now. We’re beyond trying to corner this thing. It’s not happening. Beyond a national 4-5 week lockdown on non essential travel, mass gatherings, ALL schools then this thing is going to continue its spread. And even if we do everything flawlessly for the next 2 months it’s still going to spread. Knowing who has it at this point is irrelevant. Assume it’s everywhere, because it is.

So why are all the most prominent medical personnel in the country claiming that testing is the most important thing we can do right now? Are we to just not believe them?
They're testing a Plant Vogtle employee for coronavirus. If he tests positive that'll be really close to me as Plant Vogtle is like 15ish minutes away from my residence.
Then if he tests positive does the plant close down? How will workers get paid? This is what is concerning. It’s just a matter of time before plants shut down. Banks. Restaurants. Etc.
I’m not sure which thread to put this in. I know there are weirdos who write to cause panic. Reason I’m posting this is to just read and let’s see if he’s right. I pray he is not and I and everyone can laugh at him saying these things. I am one to look at all different viewpoints and try and learn from. Knowledge is power. Taking the virus outta it all this is my worry with everything shutting down. This is why I have said who’s going to pay for this all.

Natural News is garbage, you shouldn't trust it.


Masters postponed. Schools in DC closed for up to 6 weeks!
Tell me again there will not be huge losses to the economy and it does not have chance to collapse.
i remember just a week or two ago many on here were saying oh this virus is not going to be that bad. Maybe it’s not going to kill as many but it sure is doing a number on the economy.
Zero chance trump was not exposed on that visit. Honestly if he has it and its not too bad the best thing for him to do is announce he has it.it could calm some of the anxiety perhaps.

Lots of govt officials around the world are contracting this virus through their travels.
I'm not sure I agree that if the POTUS announces he has it will calm anxieties.... maybe for some but I got a feeling that would create more panic imho.
I'm not following this statement? Are you advocating for it "tongue in cheek" because all of those other countries have done so much better with testing?
UK is one tier. Been screaming for 10 years the shortage of doctors/nurses they haveand they are scared to death about meeting demand the corona could impose. My point was govt,cdc cant even get test kits ready to meet demand. Why would anyone want our givt runing our healthcare.
Zero chance trump was not exposed on that visit. Honestly if he has it and its not too bad the best thing for him to do is announce he has it.it could calm some of the anxiety perhaps.

Lots of govt officials around the world are contracting this virus through their travels.

It's everywhere, and will be impossible to track if most have symptoms like this lady. Probably why we are getting all the positive tests with no clue where it came from.

Jorgensen -- who contracted the virus onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan -- said she exhibited zero symptoms when she was diagnosed.

“My case was I had a slight fever the night before they took me off the cruise ship -- very slight, it wasn’t even 100 degrees," Jorgensen told “Fox & Friends. "Felt a little bit off for about two to three hours and that was my only symptom throughout the whole time -- the whole quarantine up to now.”
Unfortunately the nursing home situation in Washington inflated our numbers, really sad
And just to add to this, New York and Washington are getting close to the same number of reported cases... NY currently has 0 deaths and Washington 31. Nursing homes need to be on lock down
Honestly I think if anything we will see how much everything could be closed and Americans can literally be sitting at home and nothing changes .. it will show how much our daily lives really don’t mean anything lol
I wonder what's up w/Germany's numbers? They have over 3k cases and only 7 deaths so far, compared to France w/ similar cases and 61 deaths. The US has 1800+ cases and 41 deaths.

If these numbers are accurate, what are they doing over there to contain the death rate so far?

If France is like Spain which is like Italy, then it got in amoung some much older, sick people which is why our deaths are as high as they are.

Germany is obviously doing mass testing and that along with testing getting going here is about to blow the lid on how widespread this is.
UK is one tier. Been screaming for 10 years the shortage of doctors/nurses they haveand they are scared to death about meeting demand the corona could impose. My point was govt,cdc cant even get test kits ready to meet demand. Why would anyone want our givt runing our healthcare.

But most all of them have more doctors per person, more ICU beds per person, more tests per person, etc. I'm not an advocate for medicare for all in any way. But you can't deny the efforts so far in those countries have been better than ours? Pence just said we don't even know how many tests have been taken yet cause there isn't a central database?!? They are just now in the process of creating it. It just seems like a bad time to argue against socialized medicine.

The United Kingdom has 2.8 Physicians per capita while the US has 2.6

Greece, Italy, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Germany all among the highest at over 4.
And just to add to this, New York and Washington are getting close to the same number of reported cases... NY currently has 0 deaths and Washington 31. Nursing homes need to be on lock down

My wife works at a retirement center and theyve gone to a one way in one way out security check for all personnel and they are given a written screening to answer.
Other things to consider and why it is sooooo difficult to stop this or even contain it. Again I'm sure others have parents like mine, they are determined they will just go about life as usual (and frankly if the good Lord allows me to live that long I may do the same thing). But they have a funeral to go to Saturday, probably 75% or more at that gathering of most likely more than 100 people will be 60 and older. I mean the funeral isn't going to be cancelled and family and friends aren't going to not go.... I pray no one attending that has come in contact but this has to be going on all over this country.
What weve done right:
Ban travel from SE Asia.
Ban travel from European countries that dont controll their borders for 30 days.
President and his team reaches out and got all these big venue events to cancel out large gatherings, sports world, business,then univ,state local govts followed suite. ** This is huge** FLATTEN THE CURVE THEORY.
Proppossed and hopefully today get passage of remaining massive economic releif. From banks,small business,consumer,American individual.
Tried to stave off panic pre arrival coronovirus. ( see what went wrong below).
Administration consistently reminding all of us. This isnt the end of of the world. We will get through it.
Everyday American citizen, outside toliet paper rush most everyone has banded together like we always do.
Southernwx board. Lot of great ideas,info shared in here.
- More exposure to our next catastrophe. Supply Chain is in bed with China way to much. Need to get back to made in USA. Espeacilly pharmaceuticals and steel.

What has went wrong:
Failed to stave off panic, [ wall street]. President tried, statements are recorded in history. Didnt work

Testing kits. Presidents team owning this botched deal. This one didnt expose itself till the day we needed them. Now having to react to. We are a week to 10 days from fully rectifying.
Politicizing this event. Viewing it as a gift wrapped knock out punch. "Never waste a good crisis". Sorry but the DNC and Mainstream Media are in lockstep on this.
Flip side President spending to much wasted time having to lay out, defend his actions against this constantly. The biggest farce was the play hes got vp runing this when it should be doctors,med profession. That whole response team is working together on lock step,doing a great job. The best of the best are on it .
** yes Pres made several ghaffes in his pre arrival of corno virus statements. Was it attempt to keep markets calm, or he truly beleived at time? Probably a mix of both. But that play is over. Its on to the next play. You can go back and re do that play.

Trying to keep it real.
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One of the hospitals I work at has been flooded with people convinced they have it so they have to prioritize who they are testing. They have a limited number of tests so they have to group them by priority as many don't have the right symptoms. This is what slows down testing as well.
We all bash on pharmaceuticals, drug prices etc. Im one of them.
But it will be these pharmeucitcal companies who rise up and give us this vaccine the world needs. Glad to see us cutting red tape galore trying to get out of their way so this can be done expeditious as possible.
The reason I believe Germany can contain it better is because their population isn’t as dispersed as ours is they have 82 million people in 138,000 square miles while we have 350 million people in almost 4 million square miles. It’s easier to spread when it’s more cramped but you can also control it better than in a larger country like us.
If France is like Spain which is like Italy, then it got in amoung some much older, sick people which is why our deaths are as high as they are.

Germany is obviously doing mass testing and that along with testing getting going here is about to blow the lid on how widespread this is.

A big part of Italy's problem is that the country has one of the most elderly populations in all of Europe - in fact their replacement level fertility (annual births vs. deaths) has been negative for a few decades now. The minimum to maintain population stability is 2 births per woman, but Italy dropped below 2 in the late 1970's and they are now at 1.45.


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