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Nobody has dismissed anything and the statistics to date warrant at least a cursory comparison to a rather bad flu season.I recommend everyone on here read this entire article top to bottom. Read it and take the time to at least understand what they are saying and then you can decide if you want to dismiss this or compare it to the flu.
Why this epidemiologist is more worried about coronavirus than he was a month ago
Americans need to prepare themselves that the next 12 months are going to look very different.www.marketwatch.com
But why? In that case, why not also view the seasonal flu the same way? There have been 35 Million confirmed cased is the US this year and 20,000 deaths! Per CDC estimates this is a light year for flu deaths. The past 5 years have seen:
2018-19 - 34,000 deaths, 500,000 hospitalizations, 35.5 million cases
2017-2018 - 61,000 to 80,000 deaths, 808,000 hospitalizations, 45 million cases
2016-2017 - 38,000 deaths, 500,000 hospitalizations, 29 million cases
2015-2016 - 23,000 deaths, 280,000 hospitalizations, 24 million cases
2014-2015 - 51,000 deaths, 600,000 hopsitalizations, 30 million cases
If we're viewing this illness as a threat to society then the seasonal flu should shut us down every year. What about auto accidents? Over 40,000 deaths per year and millions of hospitalizations. IMO, to call this a threat to society AT THIS POINT, is beyond hyperbolic; it's unnecessary panic.
My point is the media driven mass hysteria. Think of it like this, so many people listen to news while getting ready for work, chasing after children, looking at their social media, driving down the road, talking on the phone, you name it they listen with one ear, barely. They aren't analytical like you, they're not reading articles and researching data and I'm convinced most media outlets, especially cable news, knows this. So throw out possible 20% mortality rate phrases or have a Harvard prof say 90 million will be infected, or the country may go on lockdown, etc and that's all they hear, that's all they know. Next thing you know people freak out, go into survival mode, wipeout supplies and instant disaster. It's the hype and playing on people's fears that's creating more havoc then the virus itself as of now.IFR versus CFR......I'll try to find that link.
Because the flu doesnt over run our HC system. Theres lots of sick people but there are treatments for it. Hospitals dont run 200% above capacity with the flu.
We have a vaccine for the flu. There isn't one for this yet. People have been getting incredibly sick with this virus over a very small amount of time. That's the big difference. A lot of those deaths for the flu would be preventable if people would get the shot.
Because the flu doesnt over run our HC system. Theres lots of sick people but there are treatments for it. Hospitals dont run 200% above capacity with the flu.
Just announced all of Italy is red zone now. All of Italy under quarantine
just tellem to walk it off no snow atl
My point is the media driven mass hysteria. Think of it like this, so many people listen to news while getting ready for work, chasing after children, looking at their social media, driving down the road, talking on the phone, you name it they listen with one ear, barely. They aren't analytical like you, they're not reading articles and researching data and I'm convinced most media outlets, especially cable news, knows this. So throw out possible 20% mortality rate phrases or have a Harvard prof say 90 million will be infected, or the country may go on lockdown, etc and that's all they hear, that's all they know. Next thing you know people freak out, go into survival mode, wipeout supplies and instant disaster. It's the hype and playing on people's fears that's creating more havoc then the virus itself as of now.
Alright, let's say half of US population gets exposed to virus. Population is 331 million (est 2020), and 74% are adults (according to Google), giving adult population of about 245 million. Meaning 122.5 million infected.
If mortality rate is .5% of adult population (or 1 in 200), that would result in deaths of: 612,350 in the US.
*I'm not including children since (thankfully) they seem to be more resistant than most adults.
If it were across the board, then yes, but it's not and not even close. The death rate for 50 years and under outside of China is probably some where around 0.02% and 0.05% and steps up again as you go up. If people can wrap their heads around that and stop panicking, we can focus on those who really need medical attention, supplies and hospital beds. If it does become widespread in the US, we need to close down vistitors to NHs, retirement communities and hospitals. That may also mean not taking Timmy to see Grandma often and Grandpa may need to stay home instead of yapping at the local store.
This isn't overrunning the healthcare in SK, Germany or France at its current pace either.
If it were across the board, then yes, but it's not and not even close. The death rate for 50 years and under outside of China is probably some where around 0.02% and 0.05% and steps up again as you go up. If people can wrap their heads around that and stop panicking, we can focus on those who really need medical attention, supplies and hospital beds. If it does become widespread in the US, we need to close down vistitors to NHs, retirement communities and hospitals. That may also mean not taking Timmy to see Grandma often and Grandpa may need to stay home instead of yapping at the local store.
Not yet anyways.....everyone needs to go back and look how this thing spreads, take Italy first confirmed cases Jan 31st, it was almost a month before the first death, on March 1st they had 1,694 cases, as of today that number is 9,172....it was the same in China, SK etc....the measure SK is taking is very aggressive with literal armies of people spraying disinfectant all over the place and drive thru testing centers....
Here is the chart for Italy....this fits the known incubation period.....
View attachment 36999
Considering all the other nations, Italy is by far an outlier at this point. SK’s Critical rate is 0.0048 and Germany’s is 0.0017. France has just serious condition listed which is currently at 0.017.
According to Wikipedia's tables, total cases outside of China (as of 3/9/20) are 32,956. Total deaths are: 854. This gives an across the board mortality rate of 2.59%
Personally I don't think that's the true mortality rate. My estimate was based on reading an article by a virus expert predicting 1% mortality rate assuming 40-70% of the world population was infected. My number was assuming only 50% of the population (and only the adult population at that), while lowering the mortality rate from 1 to .5%.
I mean, maybe this expert was wrong, and the assumptions are flawed. But my estimates were on the conservative end of what he was predicting..
Here's the link: https://thehill.com/policy/healthca...-virus-expert-as-much-as-70-percent-of-worlds
Just announced all of Italy is red zone now. All of Italy under quarantine
just tellem to walk it off no snow atl
That rate of 2-3% is correct as far as the way it is calculated. However like the mean of a model run, it's heavily skewed by one or two members. In this case it's the people over 60 and mostly over 70 that skews the mean.
Alright. So you and I are agreed that 2-3% is probably too high. (I think)
And my .5% mortality rate for the adult population was too high?
If so, what do you think the true mortality rate might be, and why do you think .5% is too high?
Anyone with any reliable statistics on the number of cases that most likely go unreported? Like 3X, 5X, or 10X the reported cases? Just curious...
I think it could vary widely. If it gets into a very elderly populated country such as with Italy it could be 4-5%, but if it gets into a country where it mainly affects people under 50, it may be less than 0.1%. The ability to keep those over 60 years old out of public places and away from grandkids until this all blows over the better off we will be.
I hope you're right.
But right now it's .4% for those between 40-49. It doesn't get below .1% until ages 0-9.
That is from China. I haven't seen if it was updated, but a day or so ago Italy was reporting 0 deaths under 50 and SK was close, but I think there was a few deaths under 50. There may be some from other countries not named Iran, but I don't know.
Did the media whip Italy up into a frenzy and cause them to lock down the country? China? Others?My point is the media driven mass hysteria. Think of it like this, so many people listen to news while getting ready for work, chasing after children, looking at their social media, driving down the road, talking on the phone, you name it they listen with one ear, barely. They aren't analytical like you, they're not reading articles and researching data and I'm convinced most media outlets, especially cable news, knows this. So throw out possible 20% mortality rate phrases or have a Harvard prof say 90 million will be infected, or the country may go on lockdown, etc and that's all they hear, that's all they know. Next thing you know people freak out, go into survival mode, wipeout supplies and instant disaster. It's the hype and playing on people's fears that's creating more havoc then the virus itself as of now.
My point is the media driven mass hysteria. Think of it like this, so many people listen to news while getting ready for work, chasing after children, looking at their social media, driving down the road, talking on the phone, you name it they listen with one ear, barely. They aren't analytical like you, they're not reading articles and researching data and I'm convinced most media outlets, especially cable news, knows this. So throw out possible 20% mortality rate phrases or have a Harvard prof say 90 million will be infected, or the country may go on lockdown, etc and that's all they hear, that's all they know. Next thing you know people freak out, go into survival mode, wipeout supplies and instant disaster. It's the hype and playing on people's fears that's creating more havoc then the virus itself as of now.