One thing for certain, even after the corona is gone we still won’t be prepared for the next one. These outbreaks are not new.
It's way too early to claim it will be here forever or that there will be annual vaccines. I agree with most of your other posts on here though and it should be taken very seriously.
I wonder for those downplaying everything have any loved ones over aged 60? I'm in my 40's so not as worried about my wife or kids but I've got parents, aunts, uncles and even a grandmother out there. Over half of them are living with previous medical history. If we need to shut things down for a month or two or more to save their lives then I am fine with that.
Who is denying or discounting the coronovirus? Im as far on the right as probably anyone on this board. Been monitoring this thing,posting about it back in January in the political forum,before GAWX even created this thread. Im viewing this the same way I have been for 2 months now. Just because im not runing up and down the street yelling the end of mankind is upon us ,shut everything down, or using annalytical data to compare with flu doesnt mean I"m denying this virus, it being highly contagious. Analyzing data, looking into the numbers and staying aware of the current situation at this very momnent is what many of us are doing. This is an evolving situation. We are enetring the point where we are going to have to limit people gatherings,interactions for a short span of time. Is what it is. However we will get through this.I don't get it web. I was hoping Tucker Carlson's comments last night might start penetrating the thoughts of some of the deniers on the right. (as least it seems those discounting the seriousness seem to lean right politically)
Front Page Featured | MRCTV
Carlson's opening monologue concluded:
"The Chinese coronavirus will get worse. Its effects will be far more disruptive than they are right now. That is not a guess. It is inevitable. Let's hope everyone stops lying about that, and soon."
It is scary to think more about businesses shutting down for a couple weeks. That is a lot of people not getting paid. We all have seen how many people live paycheck to paycheck.
Who is denying or discounting the coronovirus? Im as far on the right as probably anyone on this board. Been monitoring this thing,posting about it back in January in the political forum,before GAWX even created this thread. Im viewing this the same way I have been for 2 months now. Just because im not runing up and down the street yelling the end of mankind is upon us ,shut everything down, or using annalytical data to compare with flu doesnt mean I"m denying this virus, it being highly contagious. Analyzing data, looking into the numbers and staying aware of the current situation at this very momnent is what many of us are doing. This is an evolving situation. We are enetring the point where we are going to have to limit people gatherings,interactions for a short span of time. Is what it is. However we will get through this.
COVID-19 Travel Update: Fauci Says Cruising Is OK If You Are Healthy
Speaking at a White House press conference tonight, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of NIAD, told reporters if you are healthy, there is no reason to eschew cruise
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The right hand does not know what the left hand is saying. Avoid places of a 100 more of people. Last time I took a cruise there was more than a 100 people on it.
There is nothing wrong with comparing it to the flu. Flu is a well understood and given metric. Now we take the data we have from SK and Italy , dig into it. Then compare side by side to get a clearer picture hopefully of what we are dealing with here. Its hard to trust the china and Iran numbers. Not saying to trash them, but shouldnt be as weighted as sk and italy. We also have to understand Italy population is much older than the USA or SK.There are a lot of people still comparing it to the flu. Look at the post right above yours. That's what I'm getting at and was Tucker Carlson's message last night. It's sad that it is coming from such influential leadership and media.
Drivers in Montana have an equal chance of dying in a car crash than those Covid-19 sufferers under 40 in S. Korea. By the way, it's probably terrible in North Korea. Most of those people are barely hanging on as it is.Not quite. Much higher at the top, the same or lower at the bottom. Italy’s numbers are about the same if I could find the chart. Although I did find where Italy reported 1 person died on Sunday below 50, so that up from zero.
There is nothing wrong with comparing it to the flu.
Drivers in Montana have an equal chance of dying in a car crash than those Covid-19 sufferers under 40 in S. Korea. By the way, it's probably terrible in North Korea. Most of those people are barely hanging on as it is.
Leave the thread man. You have ZERO clue what you're talking about. You're embarrassing yourself......unless you're joking then carry on.
There is nothing wrong with comparing it to the flu. Flu is a well understood and given metric. Now we take the data we have from SK and Italy , dig into it. Then compare side by side to get a clearer picture hopefully of what we are dealing with here. Its hard to trust the china and Iran numbers. Not saying to trash them, but shouldnt be as weighted as sk and italy. We also have to understand Italy population is much older than the USA or SK.
So I know about seasonal flu, stats,trends etc. So as we continue to gather info from coronovirus and feel more confident about it (the data it gives us) then we can conclude, hey this appears to yield the same,more or less posotive and negative results as the seasonal flu we combat every year.
Thanks for sharing this, and wow. Sounds like you may have observed some of the first cases around here.Since some new cases were reported in NC and it’s been a couple days I’ll speak on a situation that evolved in the ER Saturday where I volunteered .
It started with a very undercover situation where a patient was brought in from the back way of the er for potential corona. Cops blocked hallways off to let them pass through. Patient got isolated , overheard nurses talking about how they were working on ruling viruses out and such . Second man walks into er entrance where I am. Claims he ate at the restaurant where the first NC corona case man ate. Complaining of headaches dry cough . Nurses are skeptical gets put into a triage and waits over an hour before someone takes him seriously . Again , no tests. Third lady, can’t speak English , elderly asian lady. Has a clear respiratory virus of some sort . Most miserable condition I ever saw, hacking coughing wheezing . Was also at the entrance .
Wow. People are comparing it to the flu as if it s the same or if the flu is worse. Not as it is a scientific experiment to understand the differences as you mention. This is about saving lives at this point.
From the WHO:
“We don’t even talk about containment for seasonal flu — it’s just not possible,” Tedros said. “But it is possible for Covid-19. We don’t do contact-tracing for seasonal flu — but countries should do it for Covid-19, because it will prevent infections and save lives. Containment is possible.”
Drivers in Montana have an equal chance of dying in a car crash than those Covid-19 sufferers under 40 in S. Korea. By the way, it's probably terrible in North Korea. Most of those people are barely hanging on as it is.
This is not even in the ball park with the flu at this point. Could it get there or worse? Of course. Is this the flu? No, but a communicable respiratory visus that can spread quickly and lead to lots of hospitalizations and deaths is going to prompt comaprisons to something we are more familiar with, and why shouldn't it? Suppose we weren't trying to apply what we've learned over the years of dealing with the flu here; that would be pretty idiotic don't you think?
And the WHO containment comment supports what many of us are talking about and why this is no where near the level of the flu (at least yet). Again, should we use common sense and extra care? Certainly. Should we panic and shut everything down? Not in my opinion, and that's all it is of course. But panic isn't helpful. We may need to take some extra steps with the elderly based on what we are seeing, but doing a whole bunch of shutting down of things and stuff we don't even try with an ilness that kills tens of thousands every year doesn't make sense to me. That is panic. Panic will lead to a whole bunch of other bad stuff and will affect far more lives.
Coronavirus kills an order of magnitude more people per capita than the Flu (actually 10-50x more/cases), 15-20% of coronavirus cases require hospitalization, less than 2% do for the flu (big one there), one person w/ CoV-19 can infect 3-5x more people than the flu, it's doubling time is 3 days compared to the flu's of 7 days, the coronavirus can survive several days (a week or more) on hard surfaces, the flu can't, 15% of people that contract the coronavirus get re-infected, it's extremely rare for anyone to be reinfected by the influenza virus, and people are generally infected much longer (as much as 3-4 weeks), and furthermore, unlike the flu, we have no vaccine or any way to cure/curb symptoms, we can contain the coronavirus, and it's going to put unnecessary strain on our already stressed medical system.
But you're right, let's compare it to the flu, because reasons.
This is not even in the ball park with the flu at this point. Could it get there or worse? Of course. Is this the flu? No, but a communicable respiratory visus that can spread quickly and lead to lots of hospitalizations and deaths is going to prompt comaprisons to something we are more familiar with, and why shouldn't it? Suppose we weren't trying to apply what we've learned over the years of dealing with the flu here; that would be pretty idiotic don't you think?
And the WHO containment comment supports what many of us are talking about and why this is no where near the level of the flu (at least yet). Again, should we use common sense and extra care? Certainly. Should we panic and shut everything down? Not in my opinion, and that's all it is of course. But panic isn't helpful. We may need to take some extra steps with the elderly based on what we are seeing, but doing a whole bunch of shutting down of things and stuff we don't even try with an ilness that kills tens of thousands every year doesn't make sense to me. That is panic. Panic will lead to a whole bunch of other bad stuff and will affect far more lives.
This article right here says it can live on surfaces for up to a day.
The coronavirus can live on a surgical mask for 7 days, cloth for 2 days, and paper for 3 hours. Here's how to disinfect surfaces properly.
The novel coronavirus is thought to be spread mainly via droplets passed between people. But viral particles can also live on some surfaces for
READ AND QUOTE WHOLE POST. You are pulling one sentence and spinning a narrative taking what I said out of context.Wow. People are comparing it to the flu as if it s the same or if the flu is worse. Not as it is a scientific experiment to understand the differences as you mention. This is about saving lives at this point.
From the WHO:
“We don’t even talk about containment for seasonal flu — it’s just not possible,” Tedros said. “But it is possible for Covid-19. We don’t do contact-tracing for seasonal flu — but countries should do it for Covid-19, because it will prevent infections and save lives. Containment is possible.”
READ AND QUOTE WHOLE POST. You are pulling one sentence and spinning a narrative taking what I said out of context.
I give up . Trying to explain to you guys why people compare it to the flu doesnt mean anyone is saying its not as bad as the flu or 10x worse.Coronavirus kills an order of magnitude more people per capita than the Flu (actually 10-50x more/cases), 15-20% of coronavirus cases require hospitalization, less than 2% do for the flu (big one there), one person w/ CoV-19 can infect 3-5x more people than the flu, it's doubling time is 3 days compared to the flu's of 7 days, the coronavirus can survive several days (a week or more) on hard surfaces, the flu can't, 15% of people that contract the coronavirus get re-infected, it's extremely rare for anyone to be reinfected by the influenza virus, and people are generally infected much longer (as much as 3-4 weeks), and furthermore, unlike the flu, we have no vaccine or any way to cure/curb symptoms, we can contain the coronavirus, and it's going to put unnecessary strain on our already stressed medical system.
But you're right, let's compare it to the flu, because reasons.
Coronavirus kills an order of magnitude more people per capita than the Flu (actually 10-50x more/cases), 15-20% of coronavirus cases require hospitalization, less than 2% do for the flu (big one there), one person w/ CoV-19 can infect 3-5x more people than the flu, it's doubling time is 3 days compared to the flu's of 7 days, the coronavirus can survive several days (a week or more) on hard surfaces, the flu can't, 15% of people that contract the coronavirus get re-infected, it's extremely rare for anyone to be reinfected by the influenza virus, and people are generally infected much longer (as much as 3-4 weeks), and furthermore, unlike the flu, we have no vaccine or any way to cure/curb symptoms, we can contain the coronavirus, and it's going to put unnecessary strain on our already stressed medical system.
But you're right, let's compare it to the flu, because reasons.
Nope, it's a lot more than a day, Coronavirus can survive on surfaces for up to 9 days (more).
"A past study found that these related coronaviruses can stay on surfaces such as metal, glass or plastic for as long as nine days, according to a study published Feb. 6 in The Journal of Hospital Infection."
"The authors show that, depending on the material and the conditions, human coronaviruses can remain infectious from 2 hours to 9 days"
Coronaviruses: How long can they survive on surfaces?
A recent review investigates how long coronaviruses can survive outside the body; it also assesses which chemicals are most effective against the
Will probably see a lot more of this. I don't get the feeling that people in the US have a full appreciation for the magnitude of what is coming.
Also the movie The Stand comes to mind. Lock downs like the Texas city in that movie may be coming soon.Reminds me of that movie Contagion.
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I give up . Trying to explain to you guys why people compare it to the flu doesnt mean anyone is saying its not as bad as the flu or 10x worse.
Its a metric of a known quantity. To then form conclusions from.
Go ask Italy how that's working out. The whole dang country is now under quarantine. I guess we can debate about how it's like the flu until we get to that point...
1 million people died from the flu in 1968. How many have died from C-19. I don’t see 1 million. People can’t just say flu. EvErY FlU SeASoN Is DiFfErEnT.
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