Went to gastro dr today. She seems to think a lot of my issues are gerd. Going to take protonics and see if it calms down. And after I’m done with this clindamycin she’s going to give me something to try and reset the bacteria in my gut. Been quite the week last week. Went to ER on Monday with the chest pressure that checked out. Went Wednesday to urgent care to get boil drained and they sent me to ER, ER did ct and said nothing to drain, started me on clindamycin for cellulitis and the boil. Friday morning it just wasn’t looking good, went to main hospital ER and by then the boil had come to a head. They dosed it up with lidocaine and lanced it in ER all while giving me a 3 hr iv of vancomycin. Got all the infection out, packed the wound and upped my clindamycin from 300 mg 3x a day to 450 mg 3x a day. Told me to come back Sunday for wound check. Went in Sunday and there like it’s looking ok, follow up with wound care in 2 days. Go into wound care this morning and there like, uhh this is closing up to soon from outside, we need to reopen this so it will continue to drain. Got to now go in to hospital in the morning for a OR procedure to clean it up better and remove some dead tissue. Found out while at wound clinic that the culture came back as MRSA. Cellulitis is pretty much gone, I pray this clindamycin will clear up the MRSA