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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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Perhaps you somebody should let the 38 States who have fetal homicide laws on the books of which a majority use the term unborn child know.

Children killed before they were born was the exact language I used, why don't you read instead of being so quick to try and show how smart you think you are, appears that's the theme for a small segment of posters on here.

Edit to strikethrough personal comment but leave it since I did say it.
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With the thought that this fall there could be a second wave of coronavirus, is it possible that it could in any way affect the elections? What I am referring to specifically is for the ability of people to go out and vote. If a big second wave happens is it possible the election could be delayed or would they just have people vote anyways despite the risks? This is NOT a political question but simply on what may happen with the voting process if a big 2nd wave does occur.

They need to have mail in voting as an option nationwide. In any event, even if they didn't hold the election for some reason, the term ends as specified in the Constitution. So he wouldn't be able to stay on past the date. So I would assume the standard succession lines would be done and as the VPs term would be done too would mean it would go to the Speaker of the House.
They need to have mail in voting as an option nationwide. In any event, even if they didn't hold the election for some reason, the term ends as specified in the Constitution. So he wouldn't be able to stay on past the date. So I would assume the standard succession lines would be done and as the VPs term would be done too would mean it would go to the Speaker of the House.
An election will be held no matter what. It would take federal law to postpone it. If there is any question it will be how its held not if
Perhaps you should let the 38 States who have fetal homicide laws on the books of which a majority use the term unborn child know.

Children killed before they were born was the exact language I used, why don't you read instead of being so quick to try and show how smart you think you are, appears that's the theme for a small segment of posters on here.
this is the coronavirus thread, not political or religious
Yesterday as the Doctors where showing the graphs with 100,000-200,000 deaths . Keep in mind this is based off multiple other large metros yielding the same results as we currently see in NYC.
Also I beleive this is the forecast throughout, wave 2 into next fall, till the very end. Not the next 2 to 4 weeks. If Im off here please correct me.
If we can keep NO,Detroit,LA,SF,Atl down, that will help us not reach 100,000 mark. Right now LA and SF are doing better than I expected. NO and Detroit are 2 areas to really watch. Hopefully Atlanta doesnt get lumped into this convo.
An election will be held no matter what. It would take federal law to postpone it. If there is any question it will be how its held not if
We held elections during the Civil War and both world wars. An election will have to be held, like you said.

And can we not do abortion in this thread? This thread is contentious enough as it is..
With the thought that this fall there could be a second wave of coronavirus, is it possible that it could in any way affect the elections? What I am referring to specifically is for the ability of people to go out and vote. If a big second wave happens is it possible the election could be delayed or would they just have people vote anyways despite the risks? This is NOT a political question but simply on what may happen with the voting process if a big 2nd wave does occur.
It would be a huge mistake to attempt to delay the election. We either vote as normal or find a new method that doesn't require polling places where people gather.
I believe you could assume anything else is a naked usurping of our democracy.
Perhaps you should let the 38 States who have fetal homicide laws on the books of which a majority use the term unborn child know.

Children killed before they were born was the exact language I used, why don't you read instead of being so quick to try and show how smart you think you are, appears that's the theme for a small segment of posters on here.

Wasn’t trying to be quick and show how smart I am. Making a statement of medical fact. Why don’t you try opening a medical book and reading. If you want, I can make drawings and monosyllabic words for you with a crayon so you can better understand it.
They need to have mail in voting as an option nationwide. In any event, even if they didn't hold the election for some reason, the term ends as specified in the Constitution. So he wouldn't be able to stay on past the date. So I would assume the standard succession lines would be done and as the VPs term would be done too would mean it would go to the Speaker of the House.
Maybe they will let us vote via text.
We held elections during the Civil War and both world wars. An election will have to be held, like you said.

And can we not do abortion in this thread? This thread is contentious enough as it is..

I was just refuting a statement that was made with a statement of medical fact and terminology. Some people get their panties in a wad if they feel like their feelings were hurt even though it was just a statement and not directed at them personally.
First Wilkes County corona death today. Of 2 cases. 50% death rate folks.
Don't forget about the part where you just put words in my mouth.

Hold up, you mean to tell me that with my two years of actual on-the-job experience, I can actually & rightfully say I probably know a lot more than you do about emergency management? What a revelation!

Oh, let's also not forget, you were the one that took it upon yourself and went completely out of your way to personally attack and lecture me about the incident command system.

You're adorable.

I am just wondering what do you actually get from trying to prove you are smarter than others with every post you make. Just stop, crap gets old quick.
I seen first hand another example of the economic trouble with the lock down. About twenty buzzards were fighting over a dead opossum. I realize pickings have been slim recently. #feedthebuzzards

In serious news, love Trump or hate Trump, people listen. At least here there is a noticeable difference in traffic this morning.
One thing I've noticed about the model (since I first started paying attention) is its trending later on peak resource usage. The nationwide peak is now Apr 16, but that's drifted later from a few days ago. NC is now showing a peak on Apr 27, but a few days ago was Apr 24. I assume other states are experiencing the same thing.

I guess you could argue it's a good thing because it gives us more time to prepare, but it also means it could take longer to get things back to normal.
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