This is extremely likely due to the incubation period and experts repeating that many younger patients have mild symptoms or are asymptomatic. It’s present in people walking around thinking they have a minor cold or allergies. Very likely 1000s of cases currently, and this is a shared opinion by experts in the US.
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I wonder how many thousands are just walking around with the sniffles with hardly any symptoms?
30 first responders that were at the nursing home are in isolation and 12 show symptoms. Why is this being so mismanaged? There are pictures of them removing infected patients with no gloves. WTFYeah you know guys, we have it under total control. We are the best prepared and the most well equipped..
We just kinda.. you know.. let it infect a nursing home, the worst place to have it..
these idiots continue to say "low risk". too many selfish people traveling and spreading it thinking "it cant happen to meeee"
WOW!! From New England Journal of Medicine.
From the initial date collections the death rate for coronavirus for 0-9 years is at 0%.
The death rate for those 10-39 is .2%
View attachment 36776
Forgive me if this has already been posted.
Dadgum ... I'm fugged ... 100+ not even on the scale ...WOW!! From New England Journal of Medicine.
From the initial date collections the death rate for coronavirus for 0-9 years is at 0%.
The death rate for those 10-39 is .2%
View attachment 36776
Forgive me if this has already been posted.
I wonder if it was @WeatherNCSo the NC patient that tested positive visited the Washington nursing home and came through RDU in late Feb. Yeah it's no telling how many are walking around with this thing
I think we will know where we stand in the US by the end of the week. Either we will see a huge jump in cases or we will not and it will signal a very large percent very mild or asymptomatic or it just be hard to see lots of spread here.
What are theses people getting treated with? Vit C? Tamaflu? Elderberry? I haven’t seen a lot of talk about the treatment.
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Nah he’s fine I just talked to him yesterday.
Nah not enough testing going on to make a difference.
UAB Leads a New Anti-Viral Drug Trial to Combat the Coronavirus
The University of Alabama at Birmingham is leading a new anti-viral drug trial in Wuhan, China to combat the coronavirus
Maybe this explains why some people hardly get sick while some are critical and die. Maybe there are 2 strains?
Researchers identify two coronavirus strains as China cases dwindle
Scientists in China studying the outbreak of disease caused by the new coronavirus say they have found that two main strains of the virus are circulating in humans and causing infections. The researchers, from Peking University's School of Life Sciences and the Institut Pasteur of
These posts are pointless. Theres zero need to post this unless you have patient to patient comparisons. Sure the flu has killed a lot of people but that is totally irrelevant to the current situation. Just today the WHO raised the death rate of covid-19 to well more than the seasonal flu.
WHO says coronavirus death rate is 3.4% globally, higher than previously thought
World health officials say the death rate for COVID-19 is 3.4% globally, higher than previous estimates of about
People aren't going to self-isolate here. Also, people aren't going to even go to be tested if they fear either being quarantined or having to pay large sums of money because they are uninsured or underinsured. We just have to hope that it's mild when we and/or someone we love eventually get it.This is what I’m really worried about - as a society we don’t have enough trust in our government institutions to listen to advice like this.
Nah not enough testing going on to make a difference.
I took too long organizing my thoughts on a response and you beat me to it. lolPeople aren't going to self-isolate here. Also, people aren't going to even go to be tested if they fear either being quarantined or having to pay large sums of money because they are uninsured or underinsured. We just have to hope that it's mild when we and/or someone we love eventually get it.
People aren't going to self-isolate here. Also, people aren't going to even go to be tested if they fear either being quarantined or having to pay large sums of money because they are uninsured or underinsured. We just have to hope that it's mild when we and/or someone we love eventually get it.
Son has confirmed case of Flu A! Not that we expected Corona.
Most likely supportive care. Maybe antivirals although that’s depending on the protocol at the hospital. They could be using some experimentally, I’m not sure.
Usually the body ends up fighting viruses pretty effectively, it’s the secondary infections such as viral pneumonia turning into bacterial pneumonia that’s the concern...such as getting bilateral pneumonia and leading to ARDS (Acute respiratory distress syndrome). This then requires mechanical ventilation, and then organs start to fail, because your lungs can’t oxygenate your blood properly, which leads to organ failure (kidneys first as they’re farthest from the heart and lungs) that point you’re likely looking at being hooked up to an ECMO, which is life support. An ECMO machine handles the functions of your heart and lungs for you.
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I am good at this point, prior to and here after been keeping up with a lot of the peer reviewed documentation. I have a pretty significant background in biology and chemistry with a focus on biochem, with several graduate level courses in molecular genetics, biochem and virology. Just in to the incubation period, full disclosure, traveled from RDU to SEA 2/20 and back 2/29, non-stop, spent most of my time in Portland - Multnomah Country, a 150 mile drive south from SEATAC, adjacent to Clackamas county, but I had no less than 4 visits to Clackamas. SEATAC on the way back was epic busy for an airport, Int terminal and we saw 1 Korean Air land from Inchon and another triple 7 depart for Singapore. I can get in to the specifics on incubation period but this is not the platform, standard deviation within -1 to 1 falls around 3-7 days.