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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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We as a Country are approaching this china coronovirus the right way. They wisely set a benchmark at day 15 and not only will reassess the situation at that time, but they are constantly adjusting daily trying to stay in front. Folks have to understand, once we get over run, there would be no turning back to stem the tide. You have to look at this like a war time invasion. Your doctors/medical people are the front lines. If they get overrun [Italy] we will loose a lot of human lives that other wise would have been saved.
No doubt this has been a killer for our economy. We gotta fight hard next 3 to 6 weeks. Then as we open back up, we need to promote as much as humanly possible getting these supply chains back inside America. It will open countless job opportunities. We also need to fix immigration. Turn folks around at the border. No exceptions. Do that and we wouldnt need a wall. Easy fix with the stroke of the pen. Then you can control the flow, making sure you have as many jobs as people.
It's pointless trying to explain this to him.

It’s fine. I’ll stop giving my opinion. Y’all keep panicking. I don’t want the Economy to go to crap over a virus that kills less people then the “ non serious” flu. I’m looking long term. But I’ll stop.

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Things will change but it is encouraging to the the daily death rate for the US has dropped for two straight days. Sure it will go up but maybe it’s a little prof that newly approved medicine is showing promise.
I wish they go ahead make a decision on schools for South Carolina. March 31st is when there set to reopen. But I don’t think there going to so why not go ahead let everyone know?

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Because there are a bunch of our leaders who still think it's just like the flu and are hoping everything will just go away
Honestly I am so confused. I am at point to say let’s just go back to work and let happen what happens. I can’t file unemployment so losing everything for the amount of numbers we have lost to this virus is worth it? I’m sorry to offend anyone but facing losing what I worked hard for to this virus is not right.
Honestly I am so confused. I am at point to say let’s just go back to work and let happen what happens. I can’t file unemployment so losing everything for the amount of numbers we have lost to this virus is worth it? I’m sorry to offend anyone but facing losing what I worked hard for to this virus is not right.
Why can’t you file and or work at Walmart or delivery service tips?
If everyone stayed at home if they are sick we wouldn’t need to shut everything down. Data says the flu is worse. Go look at the CDC website. The numbers are the numbers but know I see the numbers are wrong about the flu but right about this virus???? Sure. Some people say this virus was in the US in November and December. We didn’t have panic then. My opinion is that we are going a little overboard but I get it. The government doesn’t care if I agree with them. I do what I’m told. It’s better to be safe then sorry plan on full display .

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You can have the virus and be contagious and never show signs of being sick.....there is zero evidence this has been here since Nov, they cant even find evidence of it in China much before Nov, though they do think they may have found the first case and it could have been in late Oct in Wuhan....still the chances this was widespread or even here at all in the US in Nov/Dec appear to be extremely low.
The mortality rate for those is 100% without treatment. Obviously.

You need to word your question differently so I can try to answer it to the best of my ability. What exactly are you asking?

Guess my question is, what will happen to all the trauma victims in a few weeks when hospitals and ER's are completely overwhelmed?
Honestly I am so confused. I am at point to say let’s just go back to work and let happen what happens. I can’t file unemployment so losing everything for the amount of numbers we have lost to this virus is worth it? I’m sorry to offend anyone but facing losing what I worked hard for to this virus is not right.
Pretty selfish way to look at this ... you could get a temporary job while this is going on to hold you over.
It’s not a lot of $$ if you paused your career but some delivery service people are bringing home over $800/week.
The argument I'm reading this morning is money in my pocket vs lives saved. It's easy to see where everyone stands.
The argument I'm reading this morning is money in my pocket vs lives saved. It's easy to see where everyone stands.
That's an over simplified way of saying it, for some if they lose their job and income, they may be one day in a situation where they can't even feed their family or provide all needs. That's not selfish, that's a real concern for some.
Pretty selfish way to look at this ... you could get a temporary job while this is going on to hold you over.
Selfish? You do realize most businesses are not hiring at this time? Plus the ones that are most likely flooded with applications. Plus a temporary job will not feed my family and make my mortgage payments. I am not saying money is more important than life but to ruin so many jobs and families futures for this virus is stupidity. So let’s increase the homelessness and poverty level over a virus. Does not sound logical to me. If you want you call me selfish then fine. My kids come before anyone else period. I’m not ashamed to feel that way.
Selfish? You do realize most businesses are not hiring at this time? Plus the ones that are most likely flooded with applications. Plus a temporary job will not feed my family and make my mortgage payments. I am not saying money is more important than life but to ruin so many jobs and families futures for this virus is stupidity. So let’s increase the homelessness and poverty level over a virus. Does not sound logical to me. If you want you call me selfish then fine. My kids become before anyone else period. I’m not ashamed to feel that way.
Selfish? You do realize most businesses are not hiring at this time? Plus the ones that are most likely flooded with applications. Plus a temporary job will not feed my family and make my mortgage payments. I am not saying money is more important than life but to ruin so many jobs and families futures for this virus is stupidity. So let’s increase the homelessness and poverty level over a virus. Does not sound logical to me. If you want you call me selfish then fine. My kids come before anyone else period. I’m not ashamed to feel that way.
This is why you should have a 6 month emergency fund
This is why you should have a 6 month emergency fund
I do but dipping into it over a virus that is killing less than gets sick and putting millions wo jobs seems ridiculous. I’d bet you would be feeling differently if you owned a business.
Infection rate seems to be slowing. Especially given that testing is increasing.
I saw report from a dr. that said they have been using the med cocktail in the trenches.
Cuomo reported awhile ago in his a.m. PC that ny wood officially start using it starting Tuesday. We should have results by the end of next week. I think it's going to be the way out of this mess
If you are sick with this virus you should stay at home right? 14 days?

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You’re contagious for a minimum of 3 days before you even develop systems. 1. The flu does not do that. 2. That’s the whole reason why we should be on a lockdown. Even those who survive are on the borderline of critical life threatening systems for a few days that could swing one way or the other without the help of hospitals. Keeping people in their homes helps stabilize that issue a lot.
I feel like we are controlling the spread. Because if we wasn’t our death toll would be 3k by now

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I am skeptical of it killing hundreds of thousands in the US
I would think only way we get into those numbers is when we do run completely out of supplies and space in hospitals and it comes down to who gets treated is the one with best recovery rate. I think I read that mayor of NY says they have about a 10 day supply left of crucial supplies
The good need is the newly approved drug combos seem to show a lot of promise, not just in the US but other countries using them too. If that continues you may see things ease up in a few weeks since they will have a way to treat people and get them out of the hospital sooner, assuming no shortage of these drugs.
Listen we aren’t going to open things back up and we’re likely to go into a lockdown before we start opening businesses back up. Which is smart. There’s nothing you can do and this is why you should have a 3-6 month emergency fund prepared for situations like this so you don’t start getting upset and think your pockets are more important than the health of the people around you. So the best thing to do is to get over it and figure out how to better prepare next time something like this happens because we aren’t going to start opening businesses back up.
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