Pretty much. By perfect virus, I mean it's combination of properties: highly infectious, long periods of asymptomatic spread, can survive well outside the body, has a significant serious complication rate, but it's lethality isn't so high that it essentially kills itself off. If you (general you) don't think things like this are worked on in labs all over, then you have your head in the sand.Look it’s his opinion. I also agree with him. Everyone has a right to their opinions. No reason to get ugly. Just because you don’t agree means he has to believe you. What does it matter if he thinks that. It’s not going to change what is happening. Let’s just listen and believe what we want. Also don’t try to impose our thinking on others.
That doesn't mean what I said about it coming out of a lab is correct. I mean, we could have drawn the inside straight flush of the mutation out of a bat followed by the mutation out of a snake followed by a mutation out of a human followed by an instant pandemic. But if I were interested in ever developing a virus that could bring the world to it's knees, this is the type of thing I would do.
A virus that only spreads via direct contact and has a high mortality rate can be contained. This one, as we can clearly see, cannot.
I don't have to be right here. I'm good either way. But in MY opinion, it is a distinct possibility. The undying trust in government is really a head-scratcher for me, particularly given everything we have seen over the last two or three decades. I don't know. Maybe they are just corrupt on other things but absolutely open and honest about this. Or maybe it's just the "other party" that's corrupt, depending on your point of view. But as for me, I'm skeptical.